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Mon, 16 Mar 1998 11:29:38 -0600
Miles and Telaraj <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
Hi all!  I'd first like to offer a hearty and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of
the wonderful people who sent us e-mail messages of hope and inspiration
while we were going through our crisis with the house fire.  It is really
great to know that there are so many nice and caring people out there.
We are all fine, husband and the kids (I'll introduce them all again, in
case there are any new people here):
- Miles: (husband) sweet and loveable, likes to run around being chased by
- Telaraj(me) aka Dr. Doolittle ; ask me about my zoo sometime- I think
  they're coming to take me away, ha ha, hee hee,....
- Hawat( siamese female fert) passed cuteness 101 with flying colors; con
  artist 218 as well
- Thufir ( sable male fert) aka Digger; need I say more? Oh, he's a cutie pie
- Rachael ( teensy sable female fert) Miss Petite Miss.. beautiful and
  delicate, kinda shy
- Hannah ( DEW female fert with a banana yellow tail) Mom makes up funny
  names about my tail! I am Queen of the World, and you better know it!
- Tor'Ag ( butterscotch/white male cat) pushy love muffin; can't take no for
  an answer
- Alia ( silver tabby female cat) .. the reason house #1 burned down.  I
  wanted a hot dog outta the danged trash can, and it fell on the heater!
  Stupid trash can!
Anyway..  that's us.  Fert kids are kinda bored because they have to be
caged a lot, but in FIVE days, we move into our new home, and they get their
own room!  I don't see them throwing a party yet, but maybe it's supposed to
be a surprise.  Y'never know.
Hannah's Tail.... Is losing fur from the tip to the middle so far, and has
tiny black spots on it.  I thought at first maybe she had singed it in the
fire, but now I don't know for sure.  Doesn't respond to palpitation, so I
assume it isn't bothering her.  Could this be blackheads, I wonder?  I
forget how ya'll said to treat those..  was it with oxy pads??  I mean, I'm
willin' to share mine, if she needs 'em... course I thought my skin was a
lot oilier than hers..  oh well.!
Otherwise, she's the picture of health.  Tiny white thing with sparkly dark
eyes... spoiled ROTTEN!  I can't get her or Rachael ( I got them as a pair
from a woman who didn't have time enough to spend with them ) to recognize
anything as food..  besides food, I mean.  Oh, and the miracle drug,
ferretone.  I can do almost anything with them while they're in a
ferretone-induced semi-comatose state, and get away with it!  Like trim
those nails...
Found out last night that Thufie and Hawat ( aka the 'Heathens'..  aw,c'mon,
I mean it in the nicest way!) go gaga for raisins, and somewhat for
granola..  so I pick miss Hannah up and offer her a choice raisin on a human
platter.(my hand) No go, uh-uh.  So, I get all wiley and saturate the thing
in their miracle drug.
Put it on a box on the floor so as not to be contaminated by my human
presence, and what does her royal highness do?  Licked all the danged
ferretone off the raisin and left the raisin there!  Same with miss Rachael.
I love my girls, but I worry about what I'll do should they ever get sick
and can't eat their food.  I told 'em I was going to tell on 'em to ya'll..
told 'em that the FML'ers wouldn't beelieeeve I had ferts who turned up
their little noses at Raisins!  The sumptuous treat!  Now what am I going to
do?  Somehow, I don't think caviar will do the trick either.  Champagne
they're not old enough for anyway, so that's out of the question.  What
other luxury treats are there that my finicky fuzzzballs will eat?  My
little heathens I don't have to worry about; they like all kinds of stuff.
But the other two worry me.
Well, I guess I'll just have to take them to the store with me next time so
they can pick out their own stuff.  I can just see Hawat dragging a box of
frosted mini-wheats down the cereal isle.... While Thufir grabs the case of
coke... oh, and a few packages of that wonderful red kool-aid!  ( note: do
not try this at home.  These are real ferrets; they are not amateurs.) *hoo
Thanks for putting up with my ramblings..  am in a really good mood about
the new home and the babes' new room and all; they've had a lot to put up
with for the last three months.  A REALLY big thank you to BIG and also to
Troy Lynn... hope to hear about the ferrets' recovery soon!?!
Hugs to all, and prayers for all sick and lonely ferrets everywhere,
~ Telaraj, Miles, and the four miracles (with many other aliases; maybe
we'll apply to the FLO too; we're all ready with the super secret spy
stuff) ~
[Posted in FML issue 2249]