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Sun, 15 Mar 1998 02:12:56 -0000
Margaret Merchant <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi Guys,
Well, first off, for some reason the damn server keeps losing bits of mail.
Some ain't getting to me and some ain't going out.  I haven't a clue.  So
if you think you should have heard from me and haven't, try again.  Sigh.
Because from my end, I am caught up on email.  (Thanks BIG Guy for
forwarding to me, btw)
I have a headache.  I wished I was an artist.  I can't draw or even trace
very well and I have spent the entire evening planted in front of this
infernal machine trying to do a web page.  I am tired of getting griped at
about the web page for the NWFO.  OK, so it is gently griping but...
Miss Treska (who came to live here because I fell in love with her companion
Mighty Pooh Bear) was the only one running around at one point and came up
and asked me to play.  She is a reformed fear biter and is slowly getting
her courage up around the Mob.  Of course, what really gives me the giggles
is her chuckling.  She is this teeny, tiny little light sable mitt (just
barely over a pound) and she has the loudest voice I have ever heard!  And
she runs up and jumps at me to get me to chase her and she kills that nasty
pink noisy sheep every hour or so.
BTW, if you can, get one of those for your furr kids.  It is made by Gund
and I got it at a baby store next to the local grocers.  It is this round
tennis ball sized thang that has one of the old air bladders in it to make
it go "baaa" when you turned it upside down.  And yes, when Treska shakes
it to kill it, it goes 'baaa." They also make a cow, frog, and something
else I can't remember right now.  But be forwarned, I do hear it in the
middle of the night sometimes.  hehe.
I think Miss Myrna Loy has a broken toe on one of her front feet.  It will
turn funny and stay there.  It feels a slight bit different also.  But it
doesn't seem to hurt her.  Of course, it grosses me way out.  Only things
that bother me thinking about them is broken bones.  Seeing them is ok.
Who knows.  Seeing someone giving blood will make me pass out.  Yet I can
give anything, including my ex, shots.  I am going to assume that one can
do as much for ferret toes as human toes and not concern myself too much.
I can see me trying to tape it to the adjacent toes to straighten it until
it heals.  Yeah, right.
The ferret room tile project is slow going.  I can't find my claw hammer
and I am having a terrible time trying to pull up the tack strips.  I knew
this going in, but they felt it necessary to put nails every 2-3 inches to
hold this stuff down.  And the ferrets are getting angry about not being
able to go into their room.  We may be talking hiring a handy man soon.
You know, that sounds like a fine idea now that I think about it.  lol.
I hope everyone is having a good time playing with their fuzzies.  Yes, that
is part of the reason I am so slow on the web page, lots of play breaks.
Maggie Mae, the Mad Celt of Mid-Mo and the 25 Stink Pots
[Posted in FML issue 2248]