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Fri, 13 Mar 1998 06:25:44 -0500
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I totally agree with the insightful Bob C: ferrets need cuddling and lots
of attention.  It is in their makeup as a domesticated animal.  I know for
a fact that my ferrets all enjoy lots of attention.  They respond to it by
interacting with me during their play and explore times.  They seem to love
when I get down on hands and knees and play WITH THEM.  Chase, tummy
scritches, neck tickles, even though sometimes you can tell it drives them
crazy, they always come back for more.  The only time my 2 and 1/2 yo
female dooks is when I fluff her up and give her tummy scritches.  She
really gets wound up!  Peanut loves neck rubs.  Even the squirmy Cocoa,
seems to struggle to get down every second you hold him, but once he is
back on the floor, he's at your feet every second waiting for more
attention.  Fuzzy has fallen asleep on my shoulder.  Cookie snurfles and
chortles when you cuddle her.  Elmo chases you and wants you to do the same
to him, dooking all the way.  When awake, they cannot get enough attention
from me.  And I love every minute of it!
[Posted in FML issue 2246]