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Wed, 4 Mar 1998 02:08:40 -0800
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Long post boys and girls, so skip it or read it!  HEH!
As many of you know, I have a friend to owns a pet store..a very successful
pet store.  He and I have talked about how small the MF ferrets appear to be
getting.  So, he ordered a batch of ferrets from Triple f Farms.  They came
in today.  Of course, I had to rush over to see them.
Folks..don't bash MF for shipping young ferts!  You ain't seen nuthin!
These ferts were so young, they wanted to suckle every time you touched
them.  They hardly were able to eat dry food.  Their eyes were not fully
opened yet..oh..they were open, but not nice and round yet.  I could put 2
of these little people in each of my hands.  I guessed maybe...~maybe~...5
weeks old.  Sam in New Zealand confirmed the approx. age, by asking key
questions..and then agreed with me, probably around 5 weeks.
As many of you know, I have nothing against Marshall Farms.  I support their
right to silence.  I would never let an outsider look into my business
practices.  It is just plain none of anyone's business, no matter what good
someone may 'think' they are doing.  Well..I just wish you MF bashers would
have seen these little fuzzies...I really doubt MF would be the topic of
your discussions for weeks to come if you had.
Triple F Farms, shame on you.
Amy...what kind of crack is this?:  <GRIN>
>so my ferrets are not confused as MFs later down the line (not that they
>look anything like MFs, but ... ) I will tease you later on the ICQ chat!
Snorkle, my big boy (5 1/2 pounds!) is a shy ferret!  Can you believe
that?!!  He does not like people.  Our immediate family are his buds, but
not even my oldest son, who, with his wife, may as well live with us, is
not in his inner circle of trusted playmates.  Go figger.
Also..hopefully, BIG will let this non-ferret related comment pass
As of this morning, my oldest son and his wife made me a grandfather!
Joseph E. Wolfe V presented himself in typical Wolfe fashion..kicking and
screaming all the way!  Now the fun of being a grandparent will begin.
(Evil grin....read between the lines as: spoil, Spoil, SPOIL!)
Oh..just a comment on the unusual shed mentioned earlier in the FML.  My
Garret (the ferret) had surgery in December for adrenal disease..he never
lost any hair..his problem manifested itself as a blocked urethra and a
massive bladder infection, which is usually caused by a swollen prostrate
gland, which is usually caused by adrenal problems.  It was, and Garret had
his right adrenal disected away from the vena cava and 'popped' out.  He
was up to his normal tricks within 2 days..surgery did not slow him down a
lick..and Garret is 6 now.  Anyway...In January, his hair from his whithers
to the tip of his tail started coming out..he was almost bald on his
back...his belly where shaved was not regrowing hair.  I was worried.  My
very competent vet, said "wait and see".  Well we did and in February,
overnight (it seemed) Garret had a thick swatch of hair..everywhere...almost
white..(Garret is a medium sable).  Now his guard hairs are back and he is
himself again, with a full body of hair.  Dr. Katie said that trauma created
by the surgery coupled with a very messed up hormone system due to the
adrenal malfunction probably led to the unseasonal and fast shed.  So...to
the person concerned about your fuzzie's unusual shed, consult your vet, but
don't be surprised that in a couple of weeks, you will have a new ferret
running around.."Where'd he come from, Mother, we don't have a light tan
ferret do we??" Heh.
Ferret math is gonna strike..if we can figure out how to get some babies
from New Zealand to Reno, Nevada.
Told you it was long.................I'm done..............for now!
MC (Joe, The rude one)
[Posted in FML issue 2237]