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Tue, 3 Mar 1998 22:00:06 -0500
Gary Skinner <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
[Moderator's note: I'm told this is the first of 2 posts -- the second
part will be posted tomorrow -- the server yelled at Gary for posting
too much so he left the next part for tomorrow!  BIG]
I am writing this Post to inform you of the misconception of Fredo, and our
Ferret Rascal.  There have been a few individuals that Feel we brought ECE
into their home from the Ferrets.  I want to try to clear the air and let
you know what all has happened.  Let me start at the beginning....First of
all I have had a lot of heart problems going on since Oct. of 97, and in
Dec. of 97 I was told I needed to have a heart transplant.  Judy had to
make several 3 hr Trips there to be with me.  Then 2 weeks later they
transferred me to Baptist Medical Center @ Wake Forrest University in
Winston-Salem NC.  Another 2 hr drive for Judy.  In all the running back
and forth she had to find someone to care for Amanda & Joshua, and The
Ferrets...It was beginning to make Judy feel like she was neglecting these
guys and was searching for a foster home till I got more stable and she
could again begin to give all the love and attention the Ferrets Needed.
Now Judy had spoken to a number of shelter's and had found a very nice home
that the Ferrets would love and be given the same amount of attention as
they did here, and also Sammy & Sneezy was in need of pred every day, so
the new home was to be sure they would get the med's as indicated.  The new
foster parents came over on a Sat at which time we had to have the kids go
too, their Aunt's house so they would not be upset and crying all the time.
We had talked about Rascal having Adrenal Surgery a Few months ago, and they
were so surprised as to how good he had looked.  We also talked about his
food and what he needed to be fed, as he didn't like anything BUT PRO PLAN
food.  We also talked about Sammy and Sneezy's need for the pred's and there
likens.  It was a very sad day for Judy & I as we watched the Ferrets go off
with their new Foster parents in Hendersonville, NC.  Freeport, Fl was upset
that the Ferrets went there and that we didn't call her to arrange for them
to come to FL.  We decided after Judy had in fact Talked to her for over a
Year and she did seem to know a lot and she did have her's and others, that
we would let her foster them.  Arrangements were then made and the switch
was made and now the Ferrets were in Florida.  After a 3-week stay in
Hendersonville, Pictures were taken of the eight and all seem to be healthy
and energetic.  Judy called Florida to make sure all were ok and they were
there.  Florida said all was fine and the eight Ferrets were in good shape
and they ALL looked great.  We Faxed all the papers that the shelter needed
in Florida, (as individual needs and meds that needed to be given to).  All
seemed to be going good UNTIL we received a phone call once again from a
Ferret lover in California.  She informed us that Rascal was very sick and
that ECE was a possibility.  Well we got busy on the phone and called
Hendersonville to find out if there was any ECE there, and she said no.
how could ECE be an issue when all checked out from here.
Well the Next day we received another call from the Ferret lover in
California, and were told Rascal had Died.....What I can't understand is
why Florida never called us either time to let us know.  We told her to
call collect if there was any problem.  We were both shocked.  Rascal was
such a healthy Ferret and full of Spunk, Now 5 weeks Later he is DEAD..We
asked Florida to have an autopsy done on Rascal, and it was agreed, and she
said the report had said it was a bacterial intestinal Infection.  ....
FOLKS we all know that Ferrets will not eat anything they don't want and
also know that Ferrets need to eat every 3-4 hrs as they have a very small
intestinal tract.  THEY WERE STARVING!!!!!!!  Not only for food, But for
LOVE>>>> We had talked to Florida and all was planed for us to pick them
up.  We left on Monday night and drove there all night and got their Tues.
About 12:30.  >>Now when we got there the house was surrounded by water
from recent rains, empty cases of Bush beer all over the yard, and was SO
SHOCKED When we went inside.  We went to the Ferret's room and 6 were in
one small cage and Sammy was in his own, where he was free to come and go,
and his cage had a top door, so he had to crawl to the top and jump out.
There was little food in the cage, Which was NOT PRO PLAN but of TF and MF
Food, and when Judy went to clean it out it was wet on the bottom and she
had to scrub the bowl to get the food out.  There was Ferret Poop piled up
in the corners of this room, and in no exaggerations, 3-4" in height.
[Posted in FML issue 2236]