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Sat, 28 Feb 1998 10:18:25 -0500
Warm Fuzzy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
I was watching reruns of Golden Girls yesterday.  In this particular episode
Blanch goes through menopause and the girls attempt to breed minks, which
turn out to be too old to breed.  Anyway, the standins for mink were, you
guessed it, ferrets.  I saw a couple of sables and a creamy colored one, but
they were never taken out of the cages, so I don't know how many they had.
Also, to the person with the butt-wiping ferret.  Unfortunately this is a
normal behavior, most ferrets do this.  However, protecting your carpets is
easy.  Solutions I've seen mentioned (and one I use) inclued lining the area
around the litter box with plastic carpet runner (I use this and a sponge
provides quick cleanup) or using small carpet sample squares, most carpet
companies will donate their old sample squares if you ask politely.  These
you keep till they are dirty and then you can wash or replace them.
Took my two to the park yesterday to enjoy this warm spring weather we're
having in Georgia.  They loved it!!  So did all the people. Many asked
questions and some wanted to pet them.  Of course we let them pet the
backends and if they asked why we used the "they can catch colds from you"
explanation. Although my two never bite and only occasionally nip, I
didn't want to ruin a perfect afternoon with an "incident".  Anyway we had
lots of fun and did a little education.  I hope to take them out more this
spring, the summers here are just too hot to take them out for long romps.
Holly & Sam
TJ ( Where's Sam, he's due for a lick chomp session)
Rascal (Hmmmmm, how can I get into trouble today?)
[Posted in FML issue 2233]