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Fri, 27 Feb 1998 09:54:05 -0500
alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
When I think of it, it's amazing how a simple introduction to such a small
albeit captivating creature has changed so many of our lives deeply and
permanently.  Some of us have become ferret moms and dads as our brood
blossoms.  Others have chosen to breed more and "better".  Others have come
to devote their lives to the rescue of the discarded and abandoned of those
bred before.  Others do both, which may be a conflict for some, but not for
others.  Different paths.  Same first step.
Some have become great educators to all willing to listen.  Many have
sacrificed new tv's or other *toys* so they can keep these small furried
critters a larger part of their life.  Some have sacrificed a great deal
more.  Some have experienced great sadness.  Some have experienced great
joy.  Many have experienced both.  Some have been led to fight.  Some just
to love.  Some do both.
Many have laughed.  Many have cried.  So small, so soft, yet surprisingly
tough to the end.  Many are drawn to protect.  Some cut.  Some heal.  Many
hold them close to their hearts.  So please, let's try to remember,
throughout our discussions, and our debates, we all took the very same first
step.  It is an exclusive and unique commonality each of us share in our
daily lives.
best wishes,
until next time,
alpha "Will" chi "Has never met a ferret they didn't like!"<G>
[Posted in FML issue 2231]