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Thu, 12 Feb 1998 11:06:19 -0800
"Cheryl M. Nordgulen" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Dear Fellow FMLr's,
We had our first experience with a vaccine reaction two days ago.  It went
like this.
I had a bad scare with Flash two days ago.  I took him and Peanut and Sybil
the cat, in for shots and Peanut got her teeth cleaned.  I left Peanut and
Dr. Mike put Sybil and Flash in the car in the front seat with me, thank
goodness.  About a mile away from the clinic I noticed Flash was tossing
himself around inside the cage.  At first I thought he was teasing Sybil.
Then I noticed he was coughing and sneezing and gasping for breath.  We
turned around and headed right back to the clinic, hitting every red light
on the way.
By the time we got there his tongues and the inside of his mouth were blue.
I walked him right back to the surgery and told Tammy he was having a
reaction to his shots.  Dr. Mike was in the private surgery but ordered
Prednizone by injection and then, when the oxygen mask wasn't working, Flash
was put in the glass box and given oxygen that way.  He was settling down
when I left to take Sybil home and grab some food for Flash (nothing the vet
had on hand would he touch).  By the time I got back, he was in a cage, all
pink and Flash again.  Peanut's teeth had been done and she was ready to go
home.  Dr. Mike sent an extra shot of Prednizone home with me, for just in
case.  Peanut got only the one shot and goes back next week to get her
rabies.  This was our first anaphylactic reaction to having both shots at
the same time, but it was scary enough for all of us, that I think ferrets
will be getting their shots in two trips now from Dr. Mike.  All ferrets.
Blessings to all who love ferrets, the best little pets in the world.
The Critterpen by Chemayn
Cheryl M. Nordgulen
Olympia, WA  98506
Walk in peace, speak softly, love much.
[Posted in FML issue 2216]