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Mon, 2 Feb 1998 14:15:33 -0700
Ellen Van Landingham <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
We got The Call last night.  We've been expecting it ever since Rip Van
Weasel crossed the Rainbow Bridge two months ago; it seems that every time
we have "room at the inn", a needy ferret finds its way to our doorstep.
We usually get these calls from our vet, or occasionally from the Humane
Society.  This one turned out to be from a total stranger -- someone who
knew someone who knew someone who knew we had ferrets.
This one, saints be praised, was a non-emergency rescue.  Owner has to
travel, is moving, no longer has time, etc., but wanted to place his ferret
with someone who'd know how to take care of her, someplace where she'd have
other ferrets for company.  He didn't want to put an ad in the paper or take
her to the shelter; could we possibly make room for her?
We picked Samantha up this afternoon.  She turns out to be a spayed two year
old chocolate of unknown origin (no tattoo), slightly underweight but
apparently in fine shape (she has had regular veterinary care) and only
mildly befuddled by her sudden change in environment.  She's happy to be
handled, doesn't bite, and christened her litter box as soon as we got her
home.  She's slightly aromatic but quite clean, although I haven't checked
her ears yet (I will, of course, before we introduce her to her new partners
in crime).  If this holds up, it will be a first -- our first adopted ferret
to arrive to with no significant behavioral or medical problems.
So now our mustelid population is back to three... although we still haven't
had one of Those Calls from our vet in several months, so there may still be
more Ferret Math in store :-).  I'll keep you posted.
See, Pam, they can even find us in Colorado!
ellen & the Gang of Three (the more the merrier!)
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[Posted in FML issue 2206]