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Mon, 26 Jan 1998 01:10:09 EST
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Greatings Capt Meme,
This is Rascal Aka Alpha 1,of the Alaska division.  My grandperents have
these little things you call "dog" we ran one of these opperations in this
sector as well about 4+ years ago... The initial contact was a tence moment
I was able to establish our command over the other being... He is about 4.5
ferrets high, standing on our tippy toes.  He is now an allie, not to bright
though so his clearence is low, but he does follow orders well.  Last year
the grandperrents got a yorkie, mom and dad say that that bread used to be
used as ratters... and we consider them to be dubble agents and watch our
backs with him... Yours my be young enuf that the other side may not have
had time to corupt him.  So his mind may be yours to control..  (Be carefull
they are tricky)
As to the Yipp-Yipp the allie advised this is a code.  He is going to
smuggle a code book for us.  There will be further communication on this...
The Alaska Sector..  Alpha 1.
[Posted in FML issue 2198]