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Sun, 25 Jan 1998 01:06:15 EST
"Dona M. Reid" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
Did you see the National Geographic Special on endangered species?  Well,
the couple making the documentary were trying to take a picture of the
Blackfooted Ferret...(adorable creature!) They said it would have to hold
still for 2 minutes to have the photo taken.  HA, HA, HA!!  Obviously didn't
know a thing about ferts!
They ended up shooting an "older" ferret because she was "calmer".  It is
strange to think that these ferrets are not related to my ferts..they look
so much alike..and as for holding still...not on your life!
My Baby Cosmo has learned how to play "hide and seek".  I go into another
room and hide and call his name...and he comes and finds me!  Then he runs
out of the room as if to say "catch me now!"Poor guy is not too inventive..
He always hides in the same place..under the desk..
Does any other fuzzy lover play this game ?
Keep the Dook..  Dona Reid Baby Cosmo (Mom, come find me now!) Susi-Q (I'll
just watch, thanks)
[Posted in FML issue 2197]