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Fri, 2 Jan 1998 07:33:16 +0000
Northeast Ferret Foundation <[log in to unmask]>
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I wanted to personally reply to the two postings from the Fischer Zoo
stating the fact that some of the ferrets were going to US homes.  I think
that it was wonderful that you had found homes for 14 of the ferrets.  Why
your offer was turned down, I don't know.  Perhaps it was the medical bills
that would accumulate, had her thinking that the ferrets in a normal home
situation would be burdened by the 24hr care some may need.  I dont know
why, I was suprised to read that as much as you were to be turned down.  I
can understand and sympathize with your feelings of the shelter situation in
the US.  Yes, true many of the shelters are already at full capacity, and
unable to take new fuzzies in.  I read the FML too- and have read thier
pleas for assistance.  However, I being the one who is guilty of the crime
of helping Randy out and also being the US shelter that you so emotionally
denounced, felt it necessary to perhaps shed some light on my situation, and
why I felt that I could help out.
We are not at full capacity.  I have had the blessed luck of finding
excellent homes for all my adoptees, and currrently have NO shelter ferrets.
Yes, imagine that- one shelter that actually has no ferrets for adoption!
This is why I felt I could help.  I have the room.  I would have not made
the offer if I truly felt I would not be able to successfully place these
guys in homes.  Does that clear me for the "stress" of them being shipped to
Usa?  Well, I assume you would or saw that by shipping it meant air.  No,
they are going to be picked up by me, by car.  Imagine that, I must be nuts!
But there it is.  A nice warm car, a stayover for relaxation and finally
home.  I can't see any stress by having them loved on the way home to a
house full of love and caring people.  Yet, I know you had no way of
knowing, so I am not faulting you.However, I must state that I must love
these ferrets very much to be willing to drive so very far.
As far as the issue you had brought up regarding pleas for assistance again
I am blessed.  Help comes to me without asking.  Not so much as in money,
but in offers of cages, food, etc.  The money the shelter makes is primarily
through hard work, creative marketing, and the willingness to put in more
hours at work if I have to.  So you have nor will ever read a plea for help
from me.  I am not stating or implying that I am better than anyone else,
far from it.  Many of the shelters are hard-working people like myself.
Granted, there is good and bad, but as of yet I have only seen good.  I feel
that once you start your own shelter, you will be an asset to the ferrets.
Finding homes is only half of it, caring day to day sick and rehablitating
ferrets, fundraisers, and of course loving the babies is the other half.  It
is hard work, but rewarding.  I feel that you should start your own shelter,
and give you credit for doing so.
The current system is just an ego booster.  I guess if you call caring for a
ferret while it is sick, feeding and watering by hand everyday, only to find
out he was terminally ill and have him die in your arms ego boosting, then
no thank you.  If having PRIDE in what you have done with creating,
maintaining and helping out ferrets is considered prideful- then I am
guilty.  I feel no shame in knowing I have placed ferrets in good homes,
cared for the ill, and willing to go to extremes to help.  I dont pretend or
act as if I know what is good for every ferret- just the ones I care for.
If I see a ferret in need at a pet store, then I know it is best if I take
that ferret home.
I am truly sorry you feel so angry at this whole thing.You want me to tell
you that I won't go, but I can't, nor would I let you stop me.  Your
feelings are justified in your heart as they are in mine.  I am just
saddened that someone could and has made a decision on a shelter that they
don't know.  Too bad- but no loss there.  Wouldn't be the first and surely
won't be the last.  Again, best wishes for your upcoming shelter.
Jeanne- Northeast Ferret Foundation
[Posted in FML issue 2176]