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Sat, 3 Jan 1998 18:00:24 -0800
zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
We are not trying to hurt anyone's feelings or stir up trouble.  We are just
trying to show how somethings might not be the way they seem to non-ferret
>From:    Barbara Westensee <[log in to unmask]>
>Then it all falls apart when it shows a ferret with his tail all fuzzed up
>biting the arm of the reporter and the owner trying to pull him off.
>It seems the news media is our worst enemy--did they HAVE to show the bite
>part???  I think not.
Maybe we're heretics but we shouldn't blame the news folks for reporting
what they saw and dealt with.  If the ferret did bite the reporter than
somebody goofed.  It wan't the reporter who goofed.  We ferret folks have to
be very careful to prevent these problems.  We all know that ferrets bite.
We also know that compared to dog and especially cats ferrets are NOT as
prone to bite or scratch.
No they didn't have to show the bite but unfortunately that makes more
exciting "news" than a 100 ferrets not biting.  Too bad...
We of course strongly agree that ferrets should be legalized and agree with
most of what other folks said on this issue.  But we can not expect everyone
to see things our way.  If someone gets bit at an in opportune moment things
get worse.  We can't blame the media.  We just as a group have to be
extremely diligent.  We have to combat the bite cases but with the truth not
by attacking the more or less non-participents.  Alienating them will be
very bad.  This would be when the dog vs.  ferret statistics originally done
by the AFA based on AVMA statistics and know also published by LIFE to
lessen the impact.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2175]