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Wed, 10 Dec 1997 23:34:28 -0500
Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (112 lines)
This survey is sponsored by FerretWare Ferret Products
1-800-FERRETW   *   http://www.ferretware.com
Please take the time to update your LISTING for the 1998 STAR* Resource
Database.  Otherwise, your listing will be removed 1/20/98.  I'm having
trouble keeping the area codes up to date - I NEED YOUR HELP!
If you are a shelter/vet/club, please fill in some statistical information
for our annual survey.  This information is important!  If you want to be
properly listed on STAR*'s Resource Listing, you MUST return this form via
snail mail - because of different programs, I can't always read what has
been inputted.  Thank you for your time and stamp.
Return this survey to: STAR* Ferrets,  P. O. Box 1714, Springfield, VA
22151-0714.  Enclose a SASE (#10 - the long one) with one stamp for each
list and specify if you would like:
1)  results of the survey [out February],
2)  a copy of the final resource listing [out February] or
3)  a copy of just your state's resources [vets, clubs, shelters, breeders,
etc.- anytime].
Survey must be returned before January 20, 1998 in order to make the HSUS
handout for San Diego, CA.
Ferret Organization's Name:
Contact Name:
City, State, Zip:
Phone number:
Do you have a newsletter?
list no more than TWO choices:  (shelter, contact, hobby breeder, vet,
club/association, wholesaler/ferret farm, product seller)
Please fill in the following information as it applies to you.  Thank You.
1.   What are the three  top reasons ferrets are turned in to your service?
     a) moving      b) baby        c) no time/don't want
     d) getting old / ill          e) biting
     f) not getting along w/ other pets   g) found/stray
     h) other:
2.   Do local animal rescues/shelters release ferrets to you?
     YES  /  NO  /  SOMETIMES
     Do they refer people that are looking for ferrets to you?
     YES  /  NO  / SOMETIMES
3.   What is the average age of ferrets coming to you?     _____  years
     Do you keep ferrets if they are over a certain age?
     NO   /   YES - what age?  ________
4.   What is your average turn-around time for placing ferrets? _____ weeks.
     What month(s) are busier than others?
                       slower than others?
5.   Do you adopt/sell all adult ferrets neutered?
     YES   /   NO   /   whole to breeders only
6.   What distemper vaccine do you or your vet use?
     FERVAC     /    GALAXY   /    Other
     (please enclose business card or clinic name, Dr., address, city ,
      state, zip & phone for our list)
7.   What problems have you had this year with ferret illness?
7a. How many cases of adrenal tumors did you see?     # = _____ % = _____
7b. How many ferrets with adrenal cancer have tattoos?  # = _____ % = _____
8.   What are the fees that you charge to people wanting to adopt a ferret?
     Kits:   ______   Young Adult (1-3yrs):   ______   Older Adult:  ______
9.  What do you feed your ferrets?   (list or add all brands used)
    A) Cat food from Grocery store (Whiskas, Kitten Chow, Friskies, Crave,
    B) High quality cat foods like Pro Plan, Iams, Science Diet, Nutro/Max
       Cat, Eukanuba...
    C) Ferret foods like Mini Friends, KayTee, 8 in 1, Mazuri, Purina,
       Totally Ferret...
    D) Combination of A and B above
    E) Combination of A and C above
    F) Combination B and C above
    G) Combination of A, B & C
    Additional Brands used:
10.  Please take the time to research your records and fill in the following
for statistical information (for 1997 only):
Rescue ferrets taken in:
Rescue ferrets adopted out:
How many were unaltered?
How many had double dot (MF) tattoos in their ear?
How many had other tattoos or markings?
What were they?
How many ferrets are returned and readopted?
Ferrets that died while at the shelter : _____   put to sleep:  _____
Total deaths: _____
Ferrets that were kept by the shelter:
Why did you keep these ferrets?
Shelter started in:
Club started in:
Ferrets taken in to date:    (Since starting rescue through 1997.)
Ferrets adopted out to date: (Since starting rescue through 1997.)
Do you want to be removed from STAR*'s Resource list? Yes   /    No
[Posted in FML issue 2151]