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Fri, 7 Nov 1997 20:45:30 -0500
text/plain (70 lines)
Hello everyone,
Since Misty felt the need to publicly vent her spleen, let me post my
original reply to her in its entirety:
This wasn't my idea, and it isn't my ferret.  The ferret's owner wants to
challenge a ridiculous law the only way left since the legislature and the
commission haven't acted.  If you're not from CA, who are you to judge the
By calling the attempt to force the ferret issue into the California courts,
silly, I was privately outraged by Misty's comments but certainly did not
intend to go public with my sentiments.  Since she felt the need to go
public (I believe that's the definition of a flame, Misty) I am taking 2
minutes, about the amount I think this mini-controversy merits, to reply.
Californians have fought this battle for almost a decade.  It has been waged
with the Department of Fish and Game, the Fish and Game Commission and the
Legislature and all have thwarted our efforts to legalize and protect
domesticated ferrets in California.  In the meantime, ferrets have been
euthanized, though rarely in the last 3-4 years, and all ferrets in CA, OVER
500,000 OF THEM, continue to live under a cloud of threatened confiscation,
and a break in the human-animal bond.  The cost in time and money spent by
California citizens fighting these state agencies has been huge, yet the
ferret ban remains.
California ferret enthusiasts believe that their case can be resolved
positively in the courts where an Alaska man won his case in the late
1980's, and ferrets were legalized because of that victory.  Given DFG's
refusal to confiscate Winston, I believe we are right to push this case.
So, while it wasn't my idea, and it wasn't my ferret, I support the efforts
to challenge this case in a court of law.  Otherwise it may go on
indefinitely, Misty's opinions on the matter notwithstanding.
Perhaps Misty is unaware that many Californians have expressed a very strong
interest in a public demonstration by themselves, ferrets in hand, as a
means of getting our message across to the legislature and the media.
Perhaps Misty didn't know that Californians are incensed at seeing other
states willing to do right by their citizens while California DFG continues
to spread it's ferret propaganda.  They feel their options are narrowing.
No one wants any harm to come to Winston.  But I ask once again, Misty, if
you are not from California, who are you to judge the situation?
Enjoy your fuzzies, Misty, safe in the knowledge that they are protected
from confiscation or euthanasia by public authorities.  It's something
Californians hope for every day, and you'll never know what that feels like.
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization (CFL)
410 Mountain Home Road  Woodside, CA  94062
(415) 851-3750   <[log in to unmask]>
http://www.ferretnews.org-- CFL Website
[Moderator's note: Misty and Jeanne, the very point of this forum is to
SHARE our love for ferrets.  Misty's post was completely acceptable for the
FML by my standards -- her expression of concern and statement of opinion
were not flames.  In a sense, every time we read the FML we *do* judge, and
many of us feel strongly enough about a topic to offer our opinions publicly
or privately.  As long as we do so constructively, such opinions are always
welcome on the FML.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2118]