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Sat, 27 Sep 1997 12:35:49 -0400
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yesterday I received an e-mail from someone in Niagara?  Anyway, she was
very upset with me for my posting and felt that I am misleading all of you.
I will try to clarify.  Ontario generally was not ferret friendly.  Some of
it's regional "Health Officials" may be.  If the ferret bite was reported
to the head of the Ministry of Health, it was "off with their heads"
immediately.  However, some regions don't report all animal bites to the
head office unless rabies is suspected.  Some do and it used to be a very
scary thing.  It still is if your fuzzy bites someone on the face or neck.
I don't know why, that's just the way it is.  Other bites are quarantined
for 30 days (or that's what the Head of the animal department says) if you
are lucky to live in an area of Ontario where the Health Officials are easy
to work with, great!  Don't count on them though, they are not immortal and
others will come and go.
If anyone would like a copy of the letter I received from Dr. Le Bar DMV,
let me know.  I will gladly send it to you or fax it.
Rob & Kate, I am so sorry that you still aren't having much luck.  Don't
give up hope we are all thinking of you!!
Love, Ms. Randy Belair the F.A.S.T.
[Posted in FML issue 2078]