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Marta -Cricket <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 6 Dec 1997 09:19:52 PST
text/plain (33 lines)
Hello.  I thought I would introduce myself, and my family and let you all
know how much help this mailing list has been for me.  I have had many
questions, and have prevented things by reading of others experiances.  My
boyfriend and I are proud owners of 4 beautiful babies.I started out with 3.
Angelina a cinnimon sable, Sasha a black sable, and Nikoali a light silver
mitt.  I had them at the vet for their shots and he asked if I wanted a
fourth.  I told him I would think about it, and he said he had already given
my number to the owner.  When I got home the owner had already called, and
Robert was on his way to take a look.  Into our lives came BOB.  Robert said
he HAD to come home to us.  He looked pitiful.  He is about 1 year old, dark
silver mitt.  He was so skinny we could see all his bones, he had no hair on
his tail, was loosing it in other places, and had a chordoma at the end of
his tail.  He never once tried to bite, but he was clearly scared to death
of us and the other babies.  It is a good thing Robert picked him up,
because the previous owner would have gone home with a fat lip for the
mistreatment poor BOB had received *sigh* Anyhow, after surgery to remove
the Chordoma, and lots of love from us and the Babies BOB has grown his hair
back, has fattened up, and is beginning to play with the others.  Watching
them all sleep together under the christmas tree wrapped in the tree skirt,
and the soft glow of the lights hitting them I can't help but smile and then
weep for the poor little fuzzies in Spokane.  My heart goes out to them.
Ok, sorry for the length of this post.  BIG feel free to cut things out :)
Marta, Robert and "The Babies"
Angelina "Daddys girl NEVER does anything wrong"
Sasha "I don't care how high it is...I'm getting up there."
Nikoali "Mommy, I want hugs and kisses....PPPSSSTT, BOB I know that
litter is a nasty cat thing, but when you go potty here Mommy gives you
a raisin!"
BOB "I'm so pretty now...and I like playing, I do...I do!"
[Posted in FML issue 2147]