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Wed, 13 May 1998 23:46:46 -0400
"Kennel, Leann" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I know what I have to say isn't totally ferret related.  However I need some
prayers and support and I know that all of you here on this list are very
caring people.  I have 3 ferrets; Rikki, Bandit and Tristan and 3 cats;
Shalimar, Sambucca and Sylvester.  My problem is with Sambucca.  He had a
lump removed from his hip and we had it biopsied.  The Vet.  specialist
called me today with the results of the biopsy and my worst fears have
become reality.  It is Cancer (Chondroma (sp?) Carcinoma) and the specialist
recommends amputating his leg and part of the hip.  I am devastated.  These
are my babies and I love them with all my heart.  I have a very difficult
decision to make and there are no guarantees that it won't spread to the
Heart, Lungs or lymph glands.  I do not subscribe to any cat lists, only the
ferret list so I cannot send my request to anyplace else.  Without taking up
any more of your time, I just ask that you keep Sambucca in your prayers and
help me to make the right decision for him and pray that it doesn't spread
anywhere else.  Thank you for your support.  There is no need to reply on
this list as I don't want to take up any more space for a non-ferret related
issue.  I just wanted to make my request and know that this wonderful
support group would support me through their thoughts and prayers.  I
greatly appreciate that.  Thank you.
Lots of Love to all your furry little friends.
[Posted in FML issue 2307]