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Tue, 12 May 1998 12:45:39 -0400
"Ferret Aid Society..." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Deb, I have lost your e-mail add & #.  I got a list from another shelter
with names & #'s of ferret breeders in the London & surrounding areas.  They
are all barnyard breeders and from what I have been told, they make the
London rescue in Jan look like a Hilton resort.  I called 1 today and he
says he can "hook us up" with as many as we want (about 75-100).  They are
bred for hunting.  There are 7 more names on the list.  All are 519 & 905
area codes.  I was hoping we could work together on this one.  If you can
help, please let me know.
As for Harley, we are planing an on line auction & raffle.  I will write
with the details soon.  I just received a phone call from the Ontario
Veterinary college about Harley as I write this.  Harley has a sinus swab
last week to elaborate on their previous findings of E.coli.  Pseudomonas
was just found in his sinus cavity.  Now this baby has Actinomyces, E.coli &
Pseudomonas too.
Thursday he will go back to the OVC for yet another test where they will put
a tube into his throat to see if there is anything there.  Please pray there
isn't.  Poor Harley "bug".  Has anyone herd of this bacteria before?
The Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 2306]