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Thu, 23 Apr 1998 10:08:36 EDT
SilkLady 7 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
Sorry to keep bothering you about this but my NO BITE problem is getting
worse.  Ferret Baby is now between 13-16 wks. old - so he's still just a
kit.  I have tried nose tapping - he seems to think I'm playing and gets
worse.Besides, many of you have told me that you don't like physical
punishment and I agree!
I have also tried bitter apple which doesn't deter him either!  Cage time
isn't effective because by the time I get him there (cage is usually a long
walk away) he has forgotten why we're going there.  And last but not least
is NO BITE which I'm still doing consistently.
I think the problem may lie in the fact that Ferret Baby has what I call a
"selective comprehension process" - he understands that which he chooses
understand.  he seems to be a very loving little creature.  He's always
coming around jumping up on my leg seemingly wanting to be picked up - which
I always do.  But shortly after i pick him up the biting begins!!  I've
tried saying NO BITE and putting him back down hoping he'll get the message.
So far he hasn't.  Could it be that he doesn't really want to be picked up?
He follows my husband and I everywhere we go which indicates to me that a
bond is forming.  If I could be sure that he'll outgrow this biting stage I
wouldn't worry so much.  but even though he's not breaking skin yet a few
of these bites really hurt!!
I'm also worried about the sofas.  My husband took pieces of board to block
around the bottom so he can't get under it.  But of course he found a way to
move those enough to get there anyway - smart little fellow!!  However my
main concern is that he crawls into the cushions.  I'm afraid he'll smother
himself or that he'll eat the foam and end up with a blockage.  How easy is
it for them to get these intestinal blockages?  Am I too much of a worry
Being a new ferret mom has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my
life.  I love this little fellow with all my heart and have become (perhaps
too) overly protective of him.  My husband and I are truly and wonderfully
"obsessed" with this little creature and want to make his life a happy one.
Any advice on these concerns would be greatly appreciated.  I hate to keep
posting so much but don't know where else to turn - you've all been so
Just one more thing today.  I have been trying to get in a ferret chat room
for about a month now.  I fill out the info but never get a response.  I've
tried the pet chats in people connection but as I'm sure you know, most
people are not interested in talking about there pets.  And if they are it's
usually cats or dogs.  You get alot of teens too who are not as
knowledgeable on proper care as all of you are.  Besides all of that I'd
love to have a chance to get to talk to some of you wonderful people.
Okay I'll stop rambling.  Once again, thanks to all of you who have been so
helpful.  I truly hope that as I get further along in parenting that I will
be able to offer some good advice of my own someday.  In particular I'd like
to thank Jadesun and Penny who have been the greatest friends one can have!!
[Posted in FML issue 2287]