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Tue, 7 Apr 1998 15:15:49 EDT
JMYSHARONA <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Thanks to Suzanna for pointing me in the right direction, I was able to find
the article I referred to in my last post.  It really isn't an article, it's
from the book "Ferrets in your home" written by Dr. Wendy Winsted.
It states in one paragraph regarding ferret kits; "It wasn't until they
became old enough to be playful and I discovered what truly delightful
personalities they have that I became a confirmed ferret lover.  By
comparison the skunks were prettier to look at and more interesting to
watch, but once they reached adulthood they weren't very lively".  A friend
of the author contributes "They're sort of like walking plants, they look
really nice but they don't do anything" I knew I'd read somewhere that in
comparison they weren't very similar to ferrets as pets.
During my search I found that I had, completely without intent, swiped
someone elses published use of the phrase "dead ferret syndrome".  In case I
have inadvertantly trodden on any copy right laws I'll give credit now, if I
may... The article appeared in the 1997 annual "Ferrets USA" The articles'
author is Mary Van Dahm, and it's titled "Ferret Behavior".  Phew, that was
[Posted in FML issue 2271]