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Wed, 1 Apr 1998 16:12:42 EST
SilkLady 7 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I'd like to thank all of the kind people who have helped me in learning
about my new ferret baby.  It's truly heartwarming to know that there are so
many of you out there who care as deeply as I do about the well-being of
these charming and amazing little creatures.  Now I'd like to bother you one
more time with another concern I have.
My husband and I visit the Florida Keys twice a year at Christmas and
Easter.  I'm very apprehensive about leaving my baby so soon after his
arrival in my home.  I'm afraid he'll think we've abandoned him!  I've got a
wonderful vet whom I've had for 11 yrs.  and I'm sure he'll take good care
of my little one but it bothers me that my ferret baby will forget about me
and be scared!
My husband thinks I'm worrying over nothing and that he'll be fine.The hotel
we're staying at won't allow pets of any kind and even though these plans
were made months ago and airline tickets were purchased, I feel like I
shouln't leave Ferret Baby {as I've been calling him - can't think of a more
appropriate name}.  Please help me with this!
Also, when you board your ferrets are they normally allowed to have play
time?  Is there anything that I can send with him to remind him of me?
SilkLady7 {after this you may want to call me "SillyLady"
[Posted in FML issue 2265]