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Tue, 31 Mar 1998 15:53:40 CST
victoria foster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
You know you're addicted to ferrets when you look over to see one of your
little darlings go potty BESIDE the litter box,on your nice shag carpet,
and instead of getting upset you shout YES because you see that it is a
normal poop and the diarrhea is gone.
Quite a few things have happened since I last posted.  On the same day that
Chance died, Jim and Cathy told me that I could adopt the two ferrets that
had just come into the shelter.  Romeo and Juliet have been a joy (mostly)
and have helped me with Chances loss.  Because Gypsy and Sassy and Chance
took a dislike to the last ferret I brought into the bunch (Cinder) I
thought there would probably be a problem intergrating the new ferrets.
But they fitted in like they had always been there.  It's been fun watching
them explore.  The big idgit..uh that is Romeo had problems with the
bathtub the first week or so.  There is a high step that makes it easy to
get into the bathtub, but Romeo didn't have the knack of jumping out again.
He would lean up against the side and scrabble at the top.  I found myself
getting him out of the bathtub several times each outing.  He loved playing
in the bathtub but just didn't know how to get out.  He looks like a larger
version of my chocolate mitt gypsy.  Little Juliet is a sweetheart.  It's
possible she may take Chance's place as the ferret I worry about most.  At
1.3 lbs she is my litest ferret.  I say litest because she is just as large
in size as Sassy, larger than Cinder, but neither she nor Romeo feel like
they weight what they ought for their body size.  They were feed purina cat
food and I am hoping that they will gain some weight after some time on
L'Avian.  She is all skin and bones feels like.  It's possible she may take
Chance's place as the ferret I worry about most.  She developed diarrhea
shortly after she got here and I took her to the vet.  Romeo got his shots
and she got a checkup and medicine with orders to bring her back Monday for
a recheck if she didn't get better.  Well the diarrhea got better, but she
really wasn't feeling good.  No dancing, she didn't even dig at the door
like she had when she first got here.  Just came out and looked around a
little and went to sleep somewhere.  She was a little dehydrated when I
took her in Monday (it happened overnight guys, I did check her often for
dehydration.) Dr David gave her subcutanious fluids and a cortizone shot.
She seemed to be feeling better this morning and she did take a few licks
of some duck soup.  She was a little more active.  Poor thing.  All that
has happened to her lately and she never lost her sweet disposition a
single time.
[Posted in FML issue 2264]