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Thu, 26 Mar 1998 11:39:53 -0800
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I swore I was not going to get into anything that would even 'smell' like an
argument, but I just couldn't help myself here.  I was beginning to think
maybe I was a bad parent.  I could never even consider getting rid of a
ferret,(or any pet), because it bit us or misbehaved in some way.  Everyone
I hear talk about their ferrets, call them their babies, I do too.  We
consider them part of the family, (most do).  But then, the first time their
'baby' does something wrong, they want to 'get rid of it'.  I think when
someone decides to get a ferret or any pet, they should first ask
themselves, ' Am I ready to take on the responsiblities of this life for
his/her life?  I think that is the same question we ask ourselves,(or
should), when we chose to have children.  I can understand if someone has a
ferret and then later, because maybe they can't give it the care and
attention it needs due to some change their life and it's in the best
interest of the ferret to give it up for adoption.  That's why children are
adopted.  I have 2 toddlers, a 3yr old and a 2 yr old.  They are always
fighting, biting each other, making messes, yes, even poopin in the floor.
I can't seem to get my 2yr old interested in potty training, and she has
shredded almost every paper in the house-important or not.  But I have
certainly never thought of getting rid of them.  I can't help but look at
all these things and think, hey, that's what ferrets do to!  Now, I do agree
with you Chelle about the rotweiller trying to rip faces off.  I suppose if
my 3yr old started trying to rip my 2yr olds face off and we were going to
the hosp. for huge injuries like that from him, I would consider sending
him somewhere for help or something.  I think those of us who consider our
ferrets family, treat them like family and getting rid of them is just not
in the cards.  Those of us who don't feel that way, should be asking
theirselves that responsibility for life question while standing in front
of that cute little, cuddly ferret.  Just like those cute, little, cuddly
babies; ferrets need responsible parents, and it's not responsible to take
them home just to play house!
I think some people just can't see past the cute and cuddly part and don't
realize that these are living creatures, they poop and pee.  And they're not
mechanical, so they are not gonna do everything you say and just the way you
want it.
Some may not like my .02 worth but we are all entitled to our opinions.
Angel and the 2 Heart Snatchers
Jax (hold me, mom- hold ME)
Allister (Hold still Jax, I'm tryin to clean you're ears!)
[Posted in FML issue 2259]