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Wed, 11 Mar 1998 18:07:33 -0700
Gary Holowicki <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Here's a bit of info that I'm working with I thought wise to post here as
many people don't even know there's a specific list for adrenal cases in
ferrets.  It sounds hopeful;;
It has come to my attention that a pine bark extract is being used at the
dose of 1 drop/ferret/day to reverse the fur loss of adrenal symptoms.  The
sample is small (5 people), but encouraging since the risk of anything
negative is very small & cost pretty small.  They report results in 2-3
weeks, giving it daily in food.  The exact solution used was called
"Natures' Fingerprint" Sublingual Pine bark, marketed by GNC..  It is being
discontinued, but some may be available locally.  In research I found pine
bark extract is different than the grape seed extract sold as "essentially
the same".  Further, the name Pycnogenol is a patened name, not a chemical
name, for a specific pine bark extract from he maritime pines found growing
in the area of Bordeaux, France, south to the Spanish border.
Also, ""Pycnogenol=AE has been licensed to Horphag Research Ltd., a company
that has been sponsoring Pycnogenol=AE research for decades.  In France, Dr.
Passwater learned more about the production of Pycnogenol=AE from Horphag
Research's CEO, chemist Charles Haimoff."" (This paragraph is from their web
page ): http://www.internetbizz.com/healthysource/grape.html
For these reasons, when my bottle of the GNC product is gone, I probably
will switch to the Solagar brand of Pycnogenol=AE pine bark extract.  They
have a 30 mg.  cap that I'd probably use 1/6th of a cap per ferret/day.
This would be slightly more than the 1 drop/ferret/day using the liquid
which is labled to be 60mg/2cc.  Figuring 1cc=3D30mg, and you would get
maybe 10 drops/cc... The safety factor on the extract looks pretty good, &
it's usually given in food rather than sublingual..  Solagar has a non
Pycnogenol=AE pine bark extract too, so look for the name with the "=AE"
symbol if that's your goal.
My personal results with Sadi who was losing fur from the lower back upward
looks encouraging, almost 3 weeks now, but only giving every 2-3 days.  I
also am giving L-Tyrosine, 1-500mg.  cap in the recipe feeding 6 guys at
present.  Carin in Fla.  uses it in her recipe for adrenals, & I find it
useful for stress abatement for my own chronic fatigue immune system
problem.  She uses the same 1/6th cap/ferret/day.  Since I am using these
two substances, I can't give sole credit to either one
This is "experimental" at this point so it's not part of Timmy's recipe yet,
but looked encouraging enough to let others know, & perhaps participate in
this grass roots research project.  Feedback is appreciated.
If it continues to prove safe & effective, I probably will add it to Timmy's
recipe as a preventative measure.
 Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=3D<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>; He's the ferret
totally healed from "terminal lymphoma" without drugs.:)
AOL instant messenger name=3D garyferret :)/ ICQ#4461104
[Posted in FML issue 2244]