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Sat, 28 Feb 1998 12:12:34 EST
TomKuc48 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Caleb Carr's 1997 book, "The Angel of Darkness," contains a (working) ferret
that is crucial in the solution of a mystery.  Unfortunately, once the
fuzzy's work is done he disappears from the book.
Someone asked about adrenal influence on fuzzies.  Have only (so far) had
one adrenal kid and this is my experience with her: I was contacted by a
woman who had gotten 2 fuzzies the previous month from a former co-worker
who had since moved.  The brother & sister were 6 1/2 years old and were not
allowed out of their cage.  The poor girl had a bare tail & I was told she
had been shaved by a vet(?!?).  The girl was a bad biter -- turned out she
had adrenal tumors.  Took her to Dr Kawasaki in Va (we live in NY).  She
lived 3 years after the surgery and never bit again.  (P.S.  Her brother was
completely blind when he joined us -- a fact neither of the previous owners
seems to have known.)
Someone else asked about butt wiping.  All of mine have done this.  I have 6
non-cage litter boxes around the house.  They each sit on an old pillowcase
specifically for that reason.  Because I use the sheets from the same color
set in the cages it's easy to see how far I am in my linen changing,
cleaning, etc.  Don't (yet) take the fuzzies with me to pick out the linens,
but . . ..!!
Sylvester (My way -- the right way)
Bean (I'm not too fat to climb -- I just don't care for heights)
Hannah (I don't LIKE going outside)
Juliana (Hold me and pet me until I fall asleep)
Baby Sophie (Grrrr, I'm the toughest one in the house)
[Posted in FML issue 2233]