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Wed, 25 Feb 1998 09:25:10 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi Folks!
The Marshall Farms debate.............it goes on and on, doesn't it?  I
have been silent throughout the debates as of late, but am feeling rather
outspoken today for some reason.  :>)
I wanted to say that I agree with the majority of what alphachi has said
regarding Marshall.  I find it to be unbelievably irresponsible(to both the
ferrets and the general public as consumers) the way that MF conducts it's
business.  I agree that we should *not* blame the ferrets, it's not their
fault.  What should happen, though, IMO, is that we should all rise up and
demand, (yes, demand!) answers from MF!  Most of what has been discussed is
speculation.  I admit to believing that MF fuzzies are more prone to adrenal
tumors and cancers.  I admit to believing that MF fuzzies are sold too
young!  But there is no way of knowing the entire truth except to hear it
from MF.  I find it questionable that we haven't heard from them.
Why do we allow (some of us even appear to be condoning!) a ferretry to
operate in this way?  Let's step back for a minute and suppose that one of
us (small private breeders) began to operate our ferretries in such
manner.Let's suppose that one of us were selling kits to research
facilities, altering at 4 weeks of age, and killing off our retired jills!
How long do you suppose this would last, before the "ferret community"
stepped in and, one way or another, shut us down?!  Not long at
all..........I have seen small private breeders being hounded for much
smaller infractions!  So, people, why do we tolerate it from MF?  At the
very least, their very silence confirms many of my worst suspicions.
For the record, I have a MF sprite living with me.  Raffi was my second
ferret ever, way before I learned about private breeders and the MF
practices.  I love her dearly.  She is getting quite elderly these days,
with no signs of any cancer or adrenal problems.  I consider her lucky, and
count my blessings, as I watch my friend's MF sprite going through adrenal
surgery at less than a year of age!  Responsible breeders (of any animal)
track their bloodlines, and cease breeding those lines predisposed to
illness and genetic problems!
Anyhow, there's my rant for the day! Thanks for listening.
On another note, I would like to invite you all to the Spring GLFA show on
may 16th!  Should be alot of fun, with a ton of weasils entered and alot of
vendors selling all of those hard to find toys and such!  Alot has changed
since our last show, come see for yourself!
Elle Jensen
Rainbow River Ferretry
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[Posted in FML issue 2230]