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Thu, 26 Feb 1998 21:07:25 -0700
Deba Brezden <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (107 lines)
Howdy Fertfolks ;o)
We hope yer day was fulla lottsa dem warm fuzzy feelins!  Things at our
house are terrific'fuzzy wise', but terrible'otherwise':o(
Our 'human' family has seen 3 of our members seriously ill within this
last couple months.  My aunt suffered a stroke, and now needs heartvalve
surgery, My mom is scheduled for gall Bladder surgery now in March.  And,
my grandfather just had emergency surgery a couple weeks ago, but within
days he developed pnemonia in addition to other infections.  He's now in
critical condition in ICU, his doctors say they give him a 50/50 chance to
pull through.  As you can imagine, I'm under a bit of stress just now, and
so my mind may be a wee bit slow, I appologize aforehand if I happen to
make any errors in this post.  And, for all the fertfolks out there, who
as we, do believe in the power of prayers, I'd humbly ask ya include a
word for my family within your own, and I give my most earnest thanks.
>From:  Bob Church   Subject: Bob C: Ferret Biting Incident
>We should be prepared before hand with statistics and facts <SNIP>
>We can be prepared and have press kits prepared and setting at local
>shelters ready to be used at a moments notice.
Absolutely wonderful points Bob!  We agree that there's a definite need
both for, factual and informative educational materials to be created,
distributed, utilized, by "ALL", and also that it'd be beneficial for an
immediate response to this need be given by fertfolk, not only for it's
preparatory value in facing situations, but also for it's obvious value to
the broader issue of general public education regarding ferrets.
>But then, that is a job a national organization would and should do,
>isn't it? <SNIP> Ferret clubs so-called National Organizations need to
>pay attention get their act together on this before the next incident
However, concerning your question,(or assumption?), that the relegation of
responsibility to see this accomplished should lie with solely ANY group,
large/national, or small/local, within the larger community of fertfolk,
we are afraid we simply can't agree with.  We tend to view this vitally
important, desperately needed, task of public education / public relations
as being the responsibility, dare we even say obligation, of 'every' soul
involved with ferretkind.  Whether associated with any sort of ferret
organization/club/shelter/etc or just simply, blessed to be a fert parent,
or a fert friend.  Though larger groups do appear to have better resources
by their numbers, we should remember that these same numbers are comprised
at their core of 'individuals'.  It seems to us, 'any' individual 'can'
choose to respond with action and the greater the number of individual
actions the greater the effect of those combined actions.  If ALL Fertfolk
choose to respond with an action of their own, and we succeed in'combining'
the actions, the results can be tremendous.
For example, there are some 3000 or so fertfolk on this list alone we do
believe, and we're aware of need to supply the general population with the
appropriate materials to educate them concerning the ferret and it's issues.
Well, we'll start the ball rolling here, with an idea and offer, how about
a massive advertising/public relations campaign?  We could very easily, and
affordably, if we ALL also contribute/donate our time and/or our supply,
utilize the communications mediums of Desk Top Publishing, Web Page Design,
Video, Etc.  to create and publish our own promotional and educational
materials, these used in conjunction with the mediums of newspaper/magazine
articles/ads, radio/tv promotions, or largescale and publicized events,(ever
heard of the "Super Dogs" show?) (Do you see any ferrets in IAMS
commercials?) lots of avenues exist to us to effectively promote ferretkind,
if we're willing to all contribute what we're able.
To this end, we ourselves are happy to make available our own talents in
Desk Top Publishing and Web Page Design, and also our experience/skills
in other pursuits/involvements which might be of benefit, including our
writing,(articles/books/educational(computer)courses), doing databases,
rabies/procedural research, and in the area of 'marketing'.  Though we're
'creatively wealthy', we're I'm afraid 'financially destitute' so our
'supply' contribution must be limited, but as for design/layout we have
abundance.  We could manage to do up a couple thousand brochures, fact
sheets, vet handouts/booklets, parenting handouts,completely on our own.
But then if any other fertfolks would like to 'print up' my designs/work
they are more than welcome to do so, or if there's perhaps some special
'printer' type fertfolk out there willing to donate a couple 'runs' for
distribution?  Or maybe, some of you have some 'stuff' to contribute that
you've designed yourself but need help distribuing?  We just wonder, if all
the fertfolk everywhere, who could, did contribute whatever they can towards
this massive publicity campaign, could we see ferrets liberated from the
horrors of prevailing ignorance, any sooner, or no?
How about you?  Ya into advertising, publishing, writing, television or
radio, public relations, or any other aspect of communications in our world?
Ya got creative,organizational, secretarial, professional, design research,
or . . .  whatever skills you could contribute as well?  Perhaps ya 'know'
folks who could assist the campaign?  Maybe you have a cousin who dated
Barbara Walters' niece an can get an expose on ferret abuse by government
and business done with the 60 Minutes crew?  Whatever action, you can donate
to the cause, we encourage you to do so!
>I think it is a reflection of the competence of Linda and Jean(and all
>involved) for the low-key local response to this, because the reaction
>could have been MUCH worse.You guys did a really good job, not only of
>damage control, but of local education.  You have a right to be proud!
Here again, we absolutely agree!  Big thanks to Linda and Jean for their
wonderful 'actions'!!  We are so thrilled to see your prompt professional
response to this event will likely save this little one!  And BTW, that
equipment you mentioned, for finding traces of blood, you'll find that
police have such gadgets at their disposal!  We applaud your effort gals!
Our prayer for God's Grace and Mercy for you all is perpetual.
Ferris "I want that fert ta tells me how ta gits in'n'outta da cage!"
and his mom Deba Bredzen
[Posted in FML issue 2230]