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Sun, 22 Feb 1998 13:22:14 -0500
alphachi <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (87 lines)
>Not everyone has access to the internet and the FML, others just do not
>mind that MF is doing testing on ferrets, therefore there will always
>going to be out there to purchase MF ferrets.
First, there exists many constructive ways and means to get a message across
so I wouldn't adopt the apathy you present prematurely, it is undeserved.
When did the consumer and concerned public become so powerless in your eyes?
Often, education leads to awareness and concern, occasionally it motivates
some into action.  These relative few have been responsible for much of the
change in a variety of issues promoting more responsible behavior by all.
It remains a personal decision whether to become an active participant, or a
passive one.
>I do not agree to the being tested on.  But ... on a larger scale ... what
>happens to the ferrets that the majority that we don't purchase?
Good question.  First, there is no way to stop *all* pet store sales.  But
what is likely is a reduction significant enough so Marshall is convinced to
improve and reduce their breeding practices.  This is a very real and "do
able" possibility.
>I am a 100% animal lover ... that is why I can not justify passing by a
>ferret just because it is a Marshall Farms ferret.
I understand your compassion and attraction to these animals.  However, you
need to realize the chain of events you are setting in motion.  The more
Marshall ferrets sell, the more will be produced.  Already, many responsible
breeders have complained of Marshall's accelerated breeding practice and
crowded conditions.  Further, keep in mind Marshall exterminates thousands
of older jills each year who are simply "used up".  How can any of us
tolerate this wholesale slaughter of the animals we love?  Further, how many
of us actually and unwittingly promote it?  Allowing that kit to remain in
the store a little longer will mean fewer replacement orders, reduce
breeding requirements, and compel pet stores to explore other avenues of
income.  It makes sense, no?  Problems become much more workable when you
examine them step by step.  Often, those steps are very small.
>I don't see them as MF I look at them for what they are ... a ferret.
I sympathize with the dilemma you present.  I too have been caught up in the
lovability of these fuzzbutts, regardless of their origin.  However, if one
does not act on the immediate and very natural impulse perhaps a solution
will be achieved if we act more "responsibly".
>I will not judge or bash you for not wanting to purchase a MF ferret ...
>that is your right and while I don't agree with it I see where you are
>coming from.
Thank you, and I hope you do not see my responses to your statements as any
resembling any kind of bashing or disrespect.  You bring up very valid and
real issues.
>There was in incident of Animal Activists that let go a load of Minks
>where the babies just died ... because they were not old enough to survive
>on their own.
There are often tragedies: mistakes as the result of years of neglecting or
ignoring a particular issue until drastic and immediate measures are
instigated.  We can prevent this kind of thing for our ferrets *if* we act
in a timely fashion.  Otherwise, to expect any different would be foolish.
>While we don't have much control over MF ... as you can see there are
>issues that we do have some control over.
We don't need control, we need influence.  Something consumers can and often
do achieve when they organize and take appropriate actions.
>Or those breeders that breed ferrets just for hunting purposes ... and get
>their teeth cut out with wire cutters?
I am told this horrific practice is also conducted south of the border
for pets.
>Yes, I am one of a handful in Pennsylvania aiding in educating.
I commend your efforts and wish you great success.  I only hope that you
reconsider the apathy you appear to present here towards Marshall.  Robin,
it will not require much more of you to make another difference in an issue
that directly effects hundreds of thousands of ferrets and perhaps future
breeding practices for ferrets throughout.
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 2226]