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Sat, 21 Feb 1998 17:57:14 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Thought you might like to know that 'Chopper is improving on her flagyl,
amoxi, pepto, viokase, and AD with rice water plan, and from her prolapse
purse string (which came out yesterday).  She has NOT gained any weight, but
we are still hoping.  She IS stronger, and her spirits are WAY UP THERE, and
after almost a week she had a few firm turds instead of just pudding (which
started being her consistent output early this week -- not good for a little
girl who doesn't absorb well since she had ECE).  She weighs all of 1# 6 and
1/2 ounces now which is skin and bones and that's on an average of one half
can of AD every day PLUS at least 1/8 cup combination of Proplan and Totally
Ferret for her worst day intake (Some days she'd go through at least a 1/3
cup in addition to the AD.) and some ferretone treat every three days or so.
Still, she's firming up and right now her weight is STABLE again.  Isn't
life grand sometimes?  She's REALLY happy to be back with the other ferrets,
especially fat yearling Scooter.  These two make such an odd couple but they
are devoted friends.  It will be impossible with her back there to know how
much hard food she's eating, but the AD and rice water are still being done
away from the others -- don't want to constipate them.  Yes, we realize that
there are some other bad possibilities (unfortunately, not really ones
amenable to treatment from what I gather of those we've discussed) but right
now she's happy and nothing tests out horrid so we'll keep hoping.  She's a
good old lady and being skinny, blind, and partly deaf doesn't stop her from
ruling the house with an iron fist, and LOVING every minute of it.
Steve was the one who was asked this.  He was taking Hjalmar for an early
morning walk (just a guy and guy thing) one day and a couple came up,
admired Hjalmie and then the woman looked Steve right in the eye and said,
"Wouldn't he make a LOVELY COAT?" I won't tell you what Steve said but it
was very, very nasty and perfectly appropriate.
[Posted in FML issue 2225]