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Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:05:59 -0800
zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
>From:    "R.C." <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: galaxy D Vac
>My vet uses galaxy D distemper vac for the ferrets he sees.  Is this the
>right vac ?  Is fervac D better ?
Fervac-D has been approved by the USDA for use in ferrets.  The
manufacturers of Galaxy-D do not recommend its use in ferrets.  There is
anecdotal evidence that Galaxy-D works for ferret but it has never been
tested for ferrets.  Both have reaction rates and there is no valid data
that one is safer than the other.  Some still prefer Galaxy-D.  We choose to
support the company that supports ferrets.
>From:    Elwin Bullard II <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: http://www.sandiegoinsider.com/news/hottopic/hottopic.html
>* Two body types: whippet and bulldog: I have experience with the whippet-
>both Ootz and Doris are whippets.  Possum on the other hand seems to fit
>neither category; if she was a human she would be pear shaped.
This division is falling out of favor.  The AFA judges for example just
recognizes female and male characteristics in adult ferrets.  Early neutered
males tend to have feminine as much or more than masculine features.  You
can almost equate "whippet" to female and "bulldog" to male.  There are
stockier ferrets and longer ferrets.  The AFA is discouraging introducing
"breeds" into ferrets to prevent the problems encountered by show dogs and
show cats in some breeds.  Bulldog if taken to extremes leads to overly
shortened heads and thus these problems.
>*Adulthood in 4-6 months: Doris reached her adult size within weeks of
> coming home to us.
Adult size can be reached that young but it is not really fully mature.  The
body will still fill out and other changes will still occur.  A year of age
is a better marker for adulthood.  Teenage humans can be as tall as their
parents but you can see many juvenile features still waiting to mature.
Guess its a definition thing.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2216]