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Thu, 29 Jan 1998 20:37:42 -0500
text/plain (47 lines)
Hey fuzzfriends!
After you read this you'll probably agree with my sister that; 1) I'm anal
and 2) I really do need to get a life!
I have just spent (I won't embarrass myself and tell you how long) time
documenting all of the modifications that I've made to my Midwest Ferret
Playpen cage so that anyone who so desires may attempt to fix up their own
cage with the information.  It is in 2 documents in Microsoft Word (latest
version) and is 248K of info.  There are 2 pages of detailed instructions
including materials and tools you'll need for the job and 1 page of diagrams
showing how the cage should appear upon completion, shelf layout, and fabric
covering layout.
If you are interested in seeing the detailed instructions of my
modifications all you have to do is email me requesting so and I will email
you back with the 2 attached Microsoft Word documents.  I'm am also, in the
next couple of days, going to install a Snappy which will allow me to pick a
frame of video that I have showing the cage and email you a picture of it..
That is, if you want one.  (Unless my computer skills get in the way of
accomplishing this task, of course!)
I keep my five fuzzies in their new modified home whenever I'm at work and
they seem to love it.  There is lots of floor space and plenty of hammock
hanging and sleepy sack room.  We even have space enough for a fleecy donut
in the rec. room (top level!)
I emailed myself with these documents first so I could make sure everything
went over the internet okay.  It worked for me and I think it will work for
you provided you have a fairly recent copy of Microsoft Word with the
drawing options loaded.  We can sure try it, anyway.  Let me know if anyone
is interested.
Oh yeah,
You know you're becoming like a ferret when...
...you lay flat on the floor on occasion  and look around so you can
understand a fuzzie's perspective of the world!
Cocoa--"I get first dibs on the second floor sleepy sack!"
Fuzzy--"I'm headed for the cozy tube 'cus it's my favorite!"
Peanut--"I'm staying downstairs and filling up on chow before I go
Cookie--"Last one in the donut is a stinky fert!  Oh... that's me!"
Elmo--"I can't go upstairs to sleep until I've tried my best to move the
       poop box and bug ma!"
[Posted in FML issue 2202]