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Thu, 22 Jan 1998 09:12:34 -0500
blaraway <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
This can be a lot of things.  We had an outbreak of strep throat at the
shelter several months ago.  The same time I got Taz.  Taz had two white
spots it was swollen tonsils from the strep.  I joked with my vet about
tonsil itis(sp) She has had to remove tonsils on ferrets and other pets
before.  Not very common but I thought that was funny since I lost mine when
I was five.  Any how it can be a cold, sore throat, strep, or as bad as
Lympho.  Have your kids checked out.
I've noticed a lot of you know your addicted to ferrets when?  Well I dated
someone while I was single ofcourse that didn't like my stink butts.  Boy I
wonder where she is now, NOT.  The only problem my wife Donna has is when I
let the baths go for an extra week like yesterday.  I had Taz on my shoulder
and we walked into the bedroom.  Off limits.  I put her on the waterbed to
play a little.  Donna goes get her off the bed, she's stinking up the
sheets.  Poor little Taz had to get a bath.  Oh ya another shampoo I use for
the kids is OUT.  They also make a good de-odorizer for carpets and floors.
Kmart and Wall Mart carry it.  Shampoo is pretty cheap but the de-odorizer
isn't.  I found the super concentrated one works reely good.  The regular
strength is reely wimpy.
Well see some of you tomorrow night.
 Brad, Donna, Taz the spaz, and Marie.
 Have you ever danced with a ferret under the light of a full moon? I have.
[Posted in FML issue 2195]