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Thu, 15 Jan 1998 12:11:31 +0000
Amy Andersen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
It's been a very long time since I've posted, and since I've had a name
change, it's probably a good idea for me to re-introduce myself and my guys.
I'm Amy Andersen (was Goldman), and I've got three guys - Odin, Thor and
Loki.  (Actually, I have five guys, if you count my husband and my nephew
who lives with us!  But since this is the ferret list... :^) )
Thor is currently the holder of the MaFF mascot title, though his "year of
reign" is quickly coming to an end.  I think he's gotten fatter and lazier
throughout the year (or at least this winter!).  All three have amazing
winter coats this year, and Loki put on quite a bit of weight.  Odin finally
seems to be over whatever digestive/bowel problems he was having last year,
and it's nice to see him not quite so thin!  For those who remember Thor's
story (having to have his eye removed), he's doing great, and his remaining
eye is stable.  We still can't tell if he can see or not - sometimes I think
he can, sometimes he bumps into things and gets caught unaware.  In either
case, we're thankful he's still happy and getting around just fine.
For the holidays, I bought the guys Cheweasels, after reading how all the
ferrets loved this product.  Wouldn't you know, I've got the three fussiest
fuzzies - not one of them was interested!  Even after putting stuff on the
Cheweasel (tried ferretone, peanut butter) - they'd lick the stuff off, then
ignore it.  I've tried playing with them with it - I have one on a string -
but they just want to try and catch it, and of course, give up after a few
minutes, when they get bored.  Sigh.  Should I just keep putting treats on
it and hope that they eventually get the idea?  Or give up, and just leave
the one hanging in the cage as decoration?  :^) I was really hoping they'd
take to these....
More snow headed our way - I wonder who'll enjoy it the most - my husband,
my 6 yr old nephew, or the fuzzies?  :^)
Amy (with Odin, Thor, and Loki)
 Amy Andersen                     Voice: 781-663-4427
 BGS Systems                      Fax:   781-890-0000
 1 First Avenue                   email: [log in to unmask]
 Waltham, MA 02254-9111
[Posted in FML issue 2188]