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Thu, 15 Jan 1998 06:15:16 -0500
Maureen Sullivan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Hi all,
Some one posted about lumps in her ferrets neck.  My oldest ferret, Slinky,
has had severe colds lately and we can only tell by her labored breathing
and gagging.  We take her to the doctor, he gives her a shot, we give here
amoxi and ferretvite for her appetite and she's ok for a couple months.  We
first noticed she had a rather chubby neck and my husband more than I called
them lumps.  Her glands were swollen, her little throat was raw and it was
due to that first cold she picked up.  The doctor wasn't worried about it.
She's a skinny little thing with no fat on her bones so we watch her
  My ferrets can get hiccups if I'm careless and pick them up too fast.  I
need to remember that they should be brought to a height more slowly.
 They're prone to hiccups anyway I think.
  Good luck in California and love to all our little treasures.
Moe and the 10 plus one.
[Posted in FML issue 2188]