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Thu, 15 Jan 1998 07:31:00 -0800
Minta Ruark <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I have a ferret, Elsa, who is really sick right now.  It started when I
brought her home from boarding her over winter break.  That night I had only
her in my room and she started getting loose stools, so I kept her separate.
I'm very glad I did that b/c now it's a week and a half later, and she
hasn't eaten on her own since Wednesday (a week).  She refused all foods and
water yesterday (tues) morning.  She's taking some now, but I know it's not
enough.  She ate 6 cc of food and about 3-4 cc of water this morning.
I have to give her antibiotics twice daily, by injection.  And what's even
worse is she's soiling herself, practically all the time.  She still uses
the litter box, but I guess she can't control herself when she's sleeping?
She also "loses" it when I'm trying to feed her.
My questions are:
1. she's developing a rash around her genital area, and it looks like it's
bordering on bleeding...I put a call in to the vet but I'm not sure if I
should take her NOW b/c she's going tomorrow afternoon anyway?
2. any more tricks/hints to feeding unwilling creatures?  She's really
rejecting pedialyte, she shakes it all over.  She's figured out how to get
out of a scruff position and wrapping her in a towel doesn't work, and
neither does holding her w/my arm.  B/c of scheduling conflicts I've had to
do all this by myself.  Also any attempts to feed her result in an extremely
messy bottom for her.
Anyway if anyone has any suggestions/thoughts, ever dealt w/this before?
I've nursed sick ferrets before, but never one this sick.  I do still have
three other ferrets that are thankfully quite healthy...
[Posted in FML issue 2188]