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Fri, 12 Dec 1997 16:06:54 EST
DivaDymond <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
Hello all!
I have been quite busy lately and apologize for being so belated in my FML
reading.  Some of you may remember me from a previous post concerning cage
inquireries needed to sway the Cantonal Vet (in Switzerland) that a 36X48X60
cage was adaquate lodging for my 3 fuzzies.
 -- quick up date-- the vet wanted each fuzzy in a separate cage of minimum
2sq meters each.  I needed proof that one cage was adaquate as well as
separating the loves would be detrimental to their well being.
The final liscense approval to keep the babies came last wk.  I was jumping
up and down for joy!!  <hurrah>.  What a load off my mind.  Knowing the
fuzzies were now safely mine<--no fear of Vet confiscation.  Crazy!  I've
been owned by these ferrets for the last 3yrs and now with this
international move the ownership was questioned for "Humane Reasons".
I expect medical bills, toys, cages, food ect.  But never in my life did I
expect cage size requirerments from the "Canton".  <thinking> (Guess this
isn't Kansas anymore toto!!) Thank goodness this is over.
I ordered the huge cage from Skip Martin Critters and Cages (Wonderful Guy!
Thanks Skip) The cage ended up costing about $1000.00 in all to buy and have
shipped.  <Sigh>
Unfortunately, Skip had to encour some additional expenses because the
shipping was misquoted.  (Sorry Skip) Unbelieveable to think they wanted me
to have 2 more cages that size.  Where would I get the $?  Where would I put
3 cages that size?  Anyhow!!  Glad that's over!
The liscense is approved with four conditions.  1).  The ferrets are allowed
out for many hours daily<--no problemo.  2).  The ferrets are each offered
their own sleeping quarters <--ha!  ha!  Ya ya!  and they get Iams on a
silver plater 6x's a day too...... They have 4 floors to choose from.  Do
these Vets know anything?  They sleep in a blanket/ fur pile in one corner.
3).  We realize that this liscense may be revoked if the law pertaining to
ferrets changes<--keep our fingers crossed on this one.  And finally!  4).
We are not allowed to get any other pets without Vet approval <---Ahhh!  no
ferret Math allowed.  (Wonder if the effects of ferret Math will be
overwhelming at the end of 2yrs when we return to St. Louis MO?)
And So, let me thank each of you who responded to my original post.  The
information was crucial in swaying the Vet my way.  Many fuzzy kisses for
each of you!
        But Now,*****Trials and Tribulations*******
We are traveling home to the states (without the fuzzies) for the Holidays.
Fortunately, I've met a friend who will watch the 3 fuzzies and cat (We're
gonna board the dog!) in exchange for staying in our apartment while we are
gone.  This isn't the concern........ the concern is the "Vet availability".
There are very few ferret owners in Switzerland.  I was told by the fancy
ferret society of Switzerland that there are about 40 ferret owners in the
entire country.  <Hmmm...lack of fuzz?>
So, hence no ferrets/ no need for ferret knowledgeable vets.  I am in the
process of finding a Vet that is interested in being "educated".  But which
information is the best to provide?  There is soooooo much available.  Do I
need to overload them?  Also, I am quite knowledgeable on "what to look for"
and where to find medical info if I believe there is a fuzzy problem.  But
my friend is "medically ferret dumb".  I am keeping my fingers crossed that
there is no emergency with the lack of a vet.  <Sigh>
And also, since the vets are so "ferret dumb", the ferret fancy society guy
told me that they will want to vaccinate ferrets like cats.  Ahhh!  He said
that here in Switzerland, there isn't a ferret approved distemper vaccine....
that some dog vaccine is used instead.  Like it's not bad enough that they
speak German (and I don't)....... Now I gotta translate vaccines?
Does anyone know if I can get the bottle of vaccine from a vet in the states
and bring it to Switzerland for my 3 to be vaccinated by a vet willing to be
"educated"?  Gosh!  is it legal to bring in?  Does anyone know the german
name for the vaccines?  What a dilemma.  My babies need to vaccinated in
March for distemper and will need to be up on vaccinations to return to the
states in 1&1/2 yrs.
<uhhh!> What I go through to subside my fuzzie addiction!  Anyone that can
help with any info....... Thanks
Happy Holidays to all
Rickiee (I'm the smart one)
Pebbles (Don't hate me cuz I'm sexy!)
Spaz (Traded in some brains for muscles)
[Posted in FML issue 2153]