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Fri, 12 Dec 1997 19:00:29 -0600
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Hi Ya'll,
Don't worry, I ain't even gonna try to introduce all 20 of the ferrets and 3
cats in one post.  T'ain't possible.
But I thought I would start out with one who is, at least to me, an
unofficial mascot of the FML, Miss Pookie Bear.
She started out as White Fang and lived in Calgary.  She had been adopted
from the SPCA and had a habit of eating rubber.  On one occassion, she ate
some rubber and got a bad blockage for her troubles.  The folks that had her
couldn't afford the surgery, posted, and someone decided to help.
That was Trish Curtis of the Ferrets First Shelter in the greater Dallas/Ft.
Worth area.  She in turn posted on the FML for help in this and was
overwhelmed with responses.  So she arranged for the surgery and to take
White Fang.
After the surgery another very nice lady stepped in to help, Monica Istvan
of Calgary.  She agreed to take care of the little wench until Trish could
figure out a way to pick her up.
All the while I was plotting travel plans with Trish when I got a visit from
a resident of the FML, Bob Church.  On one of his visits to Houston my ex
and I bribed him with a good Italian meal, talking him into picking up White
Fang on a planned trip of his to Calgary.
So Bob picked up White Fang from Monica and spoiled her rotten for a while in
Oregon before bringing her back to Texas.  En route, due to other reasons,
Bob decided to bring White Fang to me, in Houston, rather than Trish.
It took me about 5 seconds to fall in love with her.  She has me wrapped
around her little pinky paw.  I kept White Fang as a foster Mom, but when
Trish visited me awhile later, she decided that we loved each other too much
to seperate us.  I was very glad.
I never thought White Fang fitted her very well, since she was so sweet with
me.  She would get in bed with me at night and lick my toes.  So after a
name contest on the FML, Miss Pookie Bear was chosen.
The Pookster is a cute DEW (more or less) girl.  Technically she is a mitt
since she has dark guard hairs, but she doesn't have many of those so I
think DEW gives you a better idea.  She is deaf, extremely smart, and a
I cannot eat *anything* without sharing unless I stand up.  Otherwise she
does hit and runs on my plates, moving with such speed that I don't have a
snowballs chance of stopping her.  She eats everything I do, except for two
things.  Pretzles, don't ask me why, she likes potato and corn chips.  And
Coke, she has to have Dr. Pepper or she makes a face.  I blame that one on
Bob Church, since that is what he drinks.
So Ma is now trained.  She doesn't bother with pretzles anymore and has
switched from Coke to Dr. Pepper.  ::Sigh::
And when I soak in the tub, I always have company.  She likes to sit on my
tummy and drink the bubble bath bubbles.  She also takes showers with me.
And she loves to snorkle in the snow.
I am very thankful, on a daily basis, for having been in touch with Trish,
Monica, and Bob.  For without all their help, I would not have this special
little one in my life.  {{{{{Trish, Monica, Bob}}}}}
Mushy Mad Maggie in Mid Mo
"The present is what exists, and all that is not present does not exist.
The past does not exist."-J.P. Sartre
[Posted in FML issue 2153]