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Tue, 9 Dec 1997 22:55:39 -0700
Deba Brezden <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (108 lines)
Dook Dook To Ya All FML ;O)
We'd just like to share an observation the years have shown us . . .
There is no pursuit which humans can take part in which won't inevitably
have a share of both good and bad in it's ranks.  Any time, for whatever
cause, it can be a dangerous practice to allow ourselves to forget that
fact, disregarding 'individuality' of person, and of life, and to view folks
not by the persons but their'associations/race/religion/job/sex/'.  Lately
it seems, to us anyway FWIW, there's just been a lot of 'biting' remarks
made back n'forth here, by various folks, regarding various and sundry
topics, but all have a common thread of one 'group' at odds with some other
group.  While truth is, we think, that here on the FML these opponents are
likely BOTH in actuality themselves the 'good examples' of their respective
'groups', which fact also doesn't effect, a reality of the existence of 'bad
examples' too within these same groups.  The fact the FML 'is' comprised of
'individual' representatives from all the many different groups holding such
varied perspectives could be utilized to great gain for the ferret, if we
correct the focus of our attentions, directing it properly at the 'real' bad
examples within all of our own, and eachothers groups, and away from all our
groups.  We here are all for working together towards a better life and
situation for ferrets in our world today.  There are plenty of real enemies
around for us to expend time and energy on so many we should have none
leftover for eachother.
There ARE responsible pet shops, there ARE responsible shelters, there ARE
responsible breeders, and there ARE also NOT.  We just have trouble
imagining many of these last to be subscribed to the FML.  Perhaps these
folks which are concerned for these issues could effect the changes they so
obviously desire by confronting/educating in their own communities.  If
everyone who cares about each problem issue tackles the problem, well soon
enough, you'll have made a tremendous headway in remedying that problem.
Folks, all I'm saying here is, with all of the brains, spirit, heart, and
passion which exists within this list, if we put it to use as a whole we
shall do wonders fer fuzzy freedoms, by just remaining our seperate parts
then our 'potential' isn't fully realized and we'll lose out on a great
opportunity to further benefit fuzzies as a result.
As well, there appears to be a great deal of unfortunate confusion now
concerning Jean Smith and the Spokane tragedy, apparently due to several
instances of messages either misread or being disjointed.  I'd like to point
out a couple things I noticed had been misquoted these last couple days.
Firstly, there's a question being asked by some as to 'why' this lunatic
Lance was 'in' Jean's place when the police arrived there.  This seems to
have gotten misconstrued, first as often pointed out Jean lives in an
'apartment' type building not a house, and it was never said that he WAS in
the apartment, it was said that he was standing in the doorway at one point,
which I, not being nearly so cynical or suspicious, took immediately to
mean, Lance standing in the door of the 'apt building' a fact which Jean I'm
sure could have done little about regardless, then after it was stated that,
Lance had ran away and "phoned" her while the police were with Jean and he
threatened her at that time, saying she was as dead as her ferrets, to which
the police responded by telling Jean "we just can't do anything", and
incredibly, "it is only animals lady", also a situation over which I'd say
Jean had no control whatsoever.  IMHO if you have questions about how the
police conducted this investigation, which is certainly appropriate, direct
them to and at the authorities themselves not toward Jean.  I also think
that as far as whether I'd have had the 'presence of mind' as someone had
mentioned here, to set about 'strangling' Lance whilst he stood in the
doorway, I definetly would NOT have wasted my time in that pursuit but I
would have been busy thinking about my ferrets and their sufffering and
doing exactly what Jean was busy doing at the time, trying my best to remedy
it and undo the horror around me.  Then there's this thing with finances.
An boy that's really something I think.  Firstly, it might do well to
remember, that this lady is not even on the Internet, let alone on the FML,
and it was NEVER her idea to solicit help here, we 'offered' it to her.
Second, in the matter of the rent, it was very clearly said in initial posts
she was forced to 'use' her rent paying the emergency vet costs because of
the slaughter, NOT that she was behind in her rent.  Also, this occured on
Nov 19/20 and FML never even knew about it until Nov 28/29 meanwhile, Jean
already had to cope with WSU, her own vet, etc.  on her own during that
time, and gee I'm sure she wasn't just waitin round for us to come to her
rescue, now some would like to find fault with her willingness to spend her
own rent on these poor babies, I'm sorry, I don't get it?  Why exactly?
Somehow I doubt that this lady in any way deserved this to befall her an
certainly not her fuzzies, as it's unlikely that she is guilty of some
incredible conspiracy with Lance to defraud suscribers of the FML, I see
only one perpetrator here and many many innocent victims, including Jean
herself.  I simply do not see at all, how our sudden knowledge of this
disaster occuring to this individual should automatically permit us
knowledge of her personal life whatever.  And that which she has chosen to
share with us should be respected and regarded as privilege.  I would humbly
suggest to any who are sincerely interested in the facts of this matter
perhaps 'reread' the news stories and all of the FML posts concerning this
since Dec 1st, You'll find as I have that many of these issues concerning
Jean originated in the FML as 'questions' posed by posters rather than as
the 'facts' being stated, now they are taking on a life of their own, simply
'asking' something don't make it a 'reality' when there is in fact, no basis
of reality.  One poster asks, "I heard there's a problem with rent is this
true?" an next thing ya see "I read that this lady was 'behind' on her
rent", I just don't think this lady deserves to be maligned now, by folks
she doesn't even know just cause they 'offer' her help.  The way I see it,
it's either help or don't period, doing so or not dosen't give any right to
intrude at all.  Lastly I think too, some pretty capable and responsible
people from FML did in fact visit this lady at her residence and also stated
they'd discussed the situation with the authorities as well, I'm inclined to
believe, that if anything HAD been wrong with Jean or her
operations/fuzzies, we'd have heard about it from them!  I did see where a
vet who treated her babes expounded on their 'very good health' and stated
there was NO evidence Jean was a collector.  Why don't we just dwell on the
Fightin Furiously Fer Ferrets Freedoms
Ferris (Momma what's a pinion? Does I got one too?)
Ms. Deba Brezden
Director, Canada Chapter IFRIC
[Posted in FML issue 2150]