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Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:03:06 +1100
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
At 3p.m. on the 3rd of November my son opened the front door just as I got
to it and proceeded to rip my heart out and tear it to shreds."Mum,someone
rang about Phoebe,she`s DEAD!"NO NO NO NO NOT MY BABY GIRL!My world fell
apart.God help me ,the pain is incredible.My baby girl Pluppy,the Pluptor,my
Phoebe,gone.Never to see your beautiful,little mischievious face again.Never
to dook or dance or chase you again.Never to hold or stroke your beautiful
soft fur again.Never to climb my leg and give me kisses again.Never to sleep
on my lap again.How can this be,how can I live with this pain.If only I had
kept an eye on you,if only I didn`t take you outside for a romp,if only I`d
found you before someone else did.If only,if only there could be a million
if only`s and they`d still wouldn`t bring you back to me.Forgive me please
my baby girl,I tried to find you,walking the streets and leaving notes in
letter boxes.You went missing at around 12 in the afternoon,my son got the
call at 2p.m.  I got home at 3p.m.You weren`t even 2yrs old.My little
chocolate sable girl,I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH but you knew that for I told you
everyday.There will always be ignorant people that wouldn`t know what you
were and unfortunately you happened to wander into an ignorant persons
yard,and what do most humans do to things that they fear or don`t
understand?They KILL and then ask questions.My pain stems from the fact you
are gone,but more so from the way that I can guess they killed you.All I
hope for was that it was quick and not to painful.I choose not to know how,
for that would be more for me to feel guilty about.My solace,is knowing that
you are at Rainbow Bridge still dooking and dancing and making new friends
there.I will one day hold and play with you again.Wait for me.Goodbye
Phoebe,I love you.  PLEASE FORGIVE ME for not being there for you.
[Posted in FML issue 2114]