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Sun, 26 Oct 1997 13:17:02 -0800
Lynn Mcintosh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
>From:    "Joel M. Cohen" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Photo Contest
>Someone wrote a letter last evening (sorry, I don't remember her name) about
>her visit to the South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue.  I really wish I
>could have been with her on that trip.
My name is Lynn.  But, more importantly, the name to remember is TARZAN!
>However, I would like this lady to know that there is no way that she can
>or anyone else can possibly win first prize in the the shelter's photo
>contest because I sent a photo of my blue-eyed silver mitt (no camera tricks
>involved - you can see that photo on the ferret photo gallery page).
Blue-eyed?!  Harrumph!  My huge fuzzy Buddha (Tarzan Ramakrishnaiah
Rapscalian Stallione) would be ASHAMED to be seen in "blue contacts" :) He
is the Hee Man of hee men.  Power on paws.  Mother of Moofers (lying in my
arms, he gazes up at me with a Mona Lisa smile, eyes slit with bliss, paws
of hanging list... and he quietly, but powerfully, MOOOFFS!  - and he's not
anally impacted, he's a LOVE MOOFER!).
>But, there are second and third prizes available.  However, I also sent a
>photo of my 4-pound Swedish angora Royal-Pastel with a full 3-inch coat.
>Lars is so gorgeous, he can't stand it himself - everytime he sees himself
>in a mirror, he passes out.
Oh.  I didn't read there was a prize for vanity! ;)  I can GUARANTEE he'd
pass out if he saw Tarzan... Of course, if you had more Larses, the
passed-out group could be photographed in all sorts of interesting positions
that MIGHT compete with by multiple-ferret-swirl photos.  :)p
>But, there are also honorable mentions, so how about some competition.  It
>is not to late to send some photos, accompanied by a $5 entry fee for each
>to The South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue, Inc.  P.O.  Box 570927, Miami,
>FL 33257.  The fees help support the shelter.
>Lets do it for the ferrets - glory for yours and help for theirs.
>Mary Cohen - hug those fuzzies
O.K. Mary - you're on!!!!
Lynn Mc. and the Seven Modeling Champions (and, always, Scroedee, Percy,
    Squeeks and neural-tube sibs in spirt!
[Posted in FML issue 2106]