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Sat, 18 Oct 1997 22:06:45 -0400
"Michael Schieman, Mee Maw and ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi Folks!
It's us - Tater and Odie - and we ain't got no good news at all.
Since our Paw Paw done got crippled, he ain't been able to take as good of
care of us as he'd really like to.  Now our Mee Maw has done turned out to
be pretty bad allergic to us.  So, we reckon it must be time for us to
spread our own special brand of mayhem to another lucky fambly.
We'd like to stay together on account of because that we is bubbas.  We'd
like for Paw Paw and Mee Maw to be able to visit with us from time to time,
so we's hoping that somebody in the Atlanta area will be able to adopt us so
we won't have to move too far away from our beloved Ol' Fert and Fertess.
Anyways, if you could use a couple of mightawful cute ferrets - what knows
how to use a pooter and write cute stories - we'd be beholdin' to you for
the chance to win your hearts.
Write to us at [log in to unmask] or give us a call.  We won't puts our phone
number here, but you can gets it from BIG if you're serious about adopting
Many much loves and joys,
Tater and Odie - devoted children of Paw Paw and Mee Maw
[Posted in FML issue 2099]