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Wed, 24 Sep 1997 13:59:51 -0700
text/plain (45 lines)
Hi guys, I was in the Menlo Park California Department of Fish and Game
office and while a clerk's back was turned, I "liberated" the following
important document!  It seems that having successfully annoyed us ferret
owners for decades, they're about to turn their attention on other innocent
pets and their owners...check it out, while it's pretty dense the conclusion
is pretty shocking!:
Imported Fauna Species Investigation
This memo pursuant to section 23 subpart R involves the investigation into
potential negative environmental ecological impacts of a non-California
native subspecies of unknown physiology, biomechanical, reproductive and
zoological morphology currently enjoying domesticated housepet interaction
within a mostly juvenile population.
Concern has been expressed due to the widespread nature of the commercial
distribution, IE, in addition to normal retail domestic pet channels,
commercial distribution has been noted in other non-traditional venues such
as "toy" stores, "drug" stores and others at very low prices.
Geological origin: Japan
Native ecosystem: unknown
Method and rate of reproduction: unknown (a factor maximizing potential
negative impact)
Physical description: color patterns are of a variety of unusual pastel and
other tones, with odd patterns.  Size is approximately 5cm by 3cm wide in
an oval body configuration, and with a body depth of approximately 1cm.
Visual appendages are lacking, and the facial structure is unusually flat.
Several small flexible protrusions are visible below the face whose
functionality is undetermined.
Tentative scientific name: Plasticus Fullachipsicus
Conclusion: Pursuant to Section 23 subpart S the biology staff of the
Department of Fish and Game (BDFG) proposes a ban on the breeding,
importation and ownership of Plasticus Fullachipsicus, commonly known as
"Tamagotchi" until such time as it's threat level to the ecosystem and
especially reproductive habits can be more fully documented.
[Posted in FML issue 2075]