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Tue, 30 Jun 1998 20:30:04 -0400
Laura Mann <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
Dick: Thanks for the info about the anesthesias.  I'll take it into
advisement though most of the other information I've received states that
I should not let her use the ketamine, for is can be very dangerous to
ferrets.  I don't know though.  My other question is to all out there...
It seemed to me she (the vet) kept stressing the "a" and pronouncing the
anesthetic as "a"ketamine.  Does she not know what she's talking about, did
I hear her wrong or is that another way to pronounce it or is that a totally
different drug?  Hopefully someone out there knows.  As for finding another
vet, this is one who's been recommended to me by a fellow FML-er.  This
office is the only one in the area that knows *anything* about ferrets as
far as I can tell.  Hopefully I'll be moving back east soon and will have
some wonderful ones at my disposal.  I'm just hoping nothing serious happens
in the meantime.  Maybe I'll just have to take a flight to NY to see a
vet!  :)
Chris: thanks for the info on the questions I had re: CA legalization
debates.  Do you know how I could get ahold of these studies you refer to?
(the ones where F&G's allegations were found to be unsubstantiated).
Tracy: Thanks for the further info on the ketamine/iso debate.  That clears
some more things up for me.  A little bit about the sweetie going under -
she's in perfect health besides the possible tumor.  She's happy and playful
though, as ferrets go, relatively calm.  Only gets real rambunctious once in
a while.  Is very affectionate, etc.  She sleeps a lot, esp. when something
weird is going on.  Like Sat. when I took her to the vet in the morning,
she barely got up the rest of the day.  I got worried after a while, but
she was fine.  Just any small change in her routine puts her out.  That's
mamma's girl!! <big G>  The vet did also mention that she uses the ketamine
plus a local, for the pain I believe.  She said the ketamine just makes her
all spacey, but does little/nothing for the pain.  Is this right?  And do I
need to be there for 24 hours after I bring her home from the vet?  I can
probably arrange to do so, but it would be difficult.  If necessary, not a
question.  I will.  The vet said I can definately take her home the same
day after work, and possibly even at lunchtime.  Lunchtime??  What's a
lunchtime??  Anyone know?
Kristi: LOVED the cacti idea!!  I could never have the heart to personally
do it, but I was literally L'ingOL!  Thanks!!!
Oh, and Bob, thanks soo much for all the great info on the ICQ ferret chat
the other night!  It was wonderful and hope we can all do it again some
time, preferably on a night without storms <G>!!
Last but not least, I was in the local health/natural foods store yesterday,
and noticed they had a book on feeding your pets a natural diet.  I looked
at the cover (of course!) and noticed...... yes!!!!  a cute lil fuzzy right
on front!!  I was so excited, so I proceeded to flip through and what did I
find??  An entire chapter on ferrets!!  Chapter 3!  Not too bad, huh?  I
merely glanced through it as someone was waiting on me but quickly looked
at the price just in case.  It was a little high so I thought and thought.
Then realized, we have Bhor!!  Who needs that stupid ol book, anyhow?!! :)
I can find out the name if anyone's interested though.  Just thought I'd
share my little excitement.
Sorry to all for being so verbose.  Just going through my first fuzzy
medical trauma and am trying to soak up all the info I can.  Try to
remember, if y'all can, when you were there and sympathize a bit??
please??  :) I do shuddup after a while..  I promise!  And thanks to all,
SOOO much for all the help and advice.  You guys and gals are the best!
Kisses and hugs to all of you and yours,
Laura, Queen Zen, Queen Bu
ICQ #:  6327785
[Posted in FML issue 2356]