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Fri, 24 Apr 1998 13:01:23 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
Sorry about the missing quotation marks on the first paragraph of
yesterday's letter.  Have heard from quite a number of folks who have added
too many ferrets too quickly and can't handle them, as well as from shelters
which pretty much said, "Amen!"
Speaking of adding ferrets without having the background, a friend who also
contacted Marshall Farms was told that the temporary shortage at pet stores
was a puzzle to them, too, till they called a few chains.  Seems some have
been having their employees push ferrets (higher profit margin) as Easter
animals rather than rabbit and chicks.  Knowing what tends to happen to
Easter animals this is very upsetting and pet chains need straightening out
on this, but since we already know how hard it is to get many of them to
stop promoting holiday or spur-of-the-moment pets, use the right bedding, to
provide enough space, to make sure that each individual gets enough food or
even to provide moistened food...
Someone asked about medication color.  Look on the box.  Some meds have
answer lines.  Otherwise, one asks the pharmacist.
[Posted in FML issue 2288]