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Sat, 4 Apr 1998 20:26:38 -0500
Penny LePage <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
A year ago we went looking for a fuzzie friend for the baby we had gotten a
Christmas.  We picked out a an active little guy of about a year or so old.
After we brought him home he seemed to be afraid of every noise and movement
that was made.  When we tried to play with him he seemed to think we were
going to hurt him and would run and hide.  Well, after a year passing our
big Burglar has finally decided tonight that he can run and jump and play
with us, tackle us and hold unto our arm and grab with that little love bite
and it was OK!  He finally acts like a real ferret!  Burglar still is afraid
to go outside much but we will get that in time.  I guess it takes different
lengths of time for different ferrets to get use to their new surroundings
but it makes you wonder what kind of life they had before they were given up
for adoption.
Just thought this was a great story to share.
Love and Fuzzie Kisses
Penny and Burglar(happy)
[Posted in FML issue 2268]