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Fri, 20 Mar 1998 22:59:46 -0700
Jessica Schaugaard <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
On the Tonight show, there was a skit about the band leader getting
scammed...something about a cologne that was supposed to drive women
wild...he went to a bar and all the women ignored him, but the next scene
showed him near the bar with a bunch of stuffed animals (skunk, raccoon,
etc) stuck to his jacket, and a cute little sable boy standing on the bar
next to him, sniffing at his sleeve, I believe...maybe someone should let
Jay know about how dangerous those wild animals are...after all, the show is
shot in CA...and we all know that they are the experts on the vicious feral
ferrets running amok in the US.  *smirk*
On another note, I went to a local pet store today after seeing they carry
ferrets, to check out the condition.  I was impressed.  They had 4 ferrets,
I would estimate 8-9 wks old, in a multilevel cage, not an aquarium, and NO
wood shavings(yay)!  They had toys, litter boxes, and 4 or 5 different signs
on the cage with various fert facts.  One warned not to stick your fingers
in the cage, as they nip, but the others were info on what they eat, size,
average lifespan, etc.  The assistant manager let me hold a little MF sable
girl and spent 10 minutes answering my questions.  He seemed to know his
stuff.  He's also going to see about ordering Totally Ferret, as I was not
the first to ask about it...I haven't found it anywhere in Salt Lake yet,
and when I finally can get a ferret, I want to know where I can get the
supplies.  I would prefer to adopt from a shelter, but there aren't any in
SL that I've found.  My next choice is a local breeder, but if worse comes
to worse and I can't find one, this would be where I will buy my fert(s).
Just thought I'd share a positive pet store experience, to sort of balance
out some of the negative ones (and I've had a few of these myself, even
though ferrets are just recently becoming legal in SL County, so not many
pet stores carry em yet)
Kisses and dooks to all...
The ferret starved one
[Posted in FML issue 2253]