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Thu, 19 Mar 1998 20:32:14 -0000
Scott Lehman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Hi All,
I have several small topics that I would like to share with you all.
Nest Boxes
A few issues back, Bob C posted about the importance of nest boxes to
ferrets.  I could not agree with him more.  I have provided nest boxes for
my ferrets from day one.  In each of my cages (with the exception of
two--haven't fiqured out where to put one yet due to layout of cage), a box
is provided.  I have found that, though they love their hammocks, sleep
tunnels, and other types of bedding, they also love their box.  It is not
uncommon to find some sacked out with nothing but their heads showing from
the hole in the box.  I use regular cardboard boxes which I purchase from
the USPS (15x10x12) because they fit perfectly between two levels of my
cages.  I cut a 4" round hole in the front and attach the box to the cage by
a cable tie.  If the box becomes worn or well ferretized, I can discard it
and replace it quickly with another.  The boxes work well if the ferret is
elderly or ill.  In that event, I do not secure the box to the cage, but
instead am able to quickly pull the box out and tend to the little one's
needs, whatever they may be.  Also, the "3 ream" copy paper boxes work very
well, especially for those who are ill, the top lifts off easily and, once
again, the ferret's needs can be quickly tended to (and the lava bed fits
perfectly in the bottom).
Totally Ferret
Great news for western North Carolinians.  Totally Ferret is finally here.
There is a great little animal food and tack shop close to home in
Hendersonville..  The owner, a former ferret owner and wanna be again, will
get whatever products a ferret owner desires.  I mentioned to him that if he
could get Totally Ferret, I would spread the word.  When I went in the
following week to pick up supplies, you guessed it, TF was there.  I began
telling my ferret friends here about it and David says that several have
come in and bought it.  He stated that once they've tried it, they swear by
it.  ( I have to take one of my guys by every so often so David can get his
ferret fix.  Such a steep price to pay to get my ferret necessities!!)
A few weeks back, we got a call from a young lady who had a new baby and
three ferrets.  The baby she decided to keep, the ferrets she placed in my
care.  She had had two (Maurice and Blue) of them since they were babies,
they are now 8yoa.  The third (Tommy) is 3yoa.  All are MF.  One of the
older ones has insulinoma.  All are in excellent condition, well cared for.
They had not received any shots until they came here!  They were eating
grocery store cat food.  I knew up front and told the young lady that the
two older ones would stay here, primarily due to their age and also due to
Blue's medical condition.  She and I felt that a good home would be located
for Tommy.  What I didn't bank on was Tommy's extradinary ability to
manipulate and con humans.  His primary target-Scott.  He would climb into
Scott's lap and go to sleep.  He showered Scott with ferret kisses.  He
chose his human.  Scott and I have had ferrets since 1985 and Tommy is
Scott's first ferret, his first one to actually choose him.  So, Tommy is
staying with his brothers and, yes, he has a good home.
Lava Beds come through again
The past two weeks have been somewhat trying.  Blue was staggering when he
walked and Princess, our little miracle lady, became very weak.  Immediately
following Blue's staggering, he became very cold.  I quickly heated up two
of the lava beds and rubbed some Karo syrup on his gums.  Following the
Karo, I gave him some Sustacal and duck soup and placed him between the two
beds.  In about 10 minutes, he was behaving as if nothing had happened.
Later that evening, I reheated the beds and placed them in Blue's cage.  He,
Tommy and Maurice immediately snuggled up to the beds and it was quite
apparent that they appreciated the warmth.  Princess, our little old lady-8
yoa who was given 2 months to live- 3 years ago, became quite weak.  I was
convinced that it was time for her to cross the bridge, however after giving
her some duck soup and heating her lava bed, she became more animated.  She
was once again back to her normal "I am the boss here" mode.  I am convinced
that the lava beds played a major part in bringing these two back around.
They have once again proven invaluable.
Happy ferreting to you and yours.  For the ferrets, always
Margaret, Scott, and now 19 rulers of the roost
Exclusively Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2252]