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Thu, 19 Mar 1998 23:16:49 EST
GOODLILBUD <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
First of all, thanks to all who responded to my original post.  I must have
gotten over a hundred personal E-mails.  Sorry I was unable to answer them
all.  I learned a lot and was able to go to the vet tonight armed with the
right questions.  This list really helped me out in this situation.
Second, for those who flamed my husband for thinking the worst, it would
probably be a good idea to know the person you are flaming.  He would sooner
put a person down than a critter, however he would never want to keep one of
our fur kids going for our own sake.  He loves them too much.  Also, to the
multiple flamers recommending divorce, don't you think that is just a little
bit of a stretch?  Think before your respond next time, OK?
Took Bubba to the vet and the weirdest thing happened.  After taking the X-
rays, he WALKED!  He even stood up on his back legs!!!!!!  Had to do a
double take there.  Apparently, the stretching involved in the positioning
for x-rays loosened something.  What, we don't know.  He is not Cured,
however, he walked freely on a slippery floor for several minutes before his
back end went out from under him again.  There was one narrowing between
discs on the x-rays, but no other problems.  We can't be sure that the
narrowing is the problem, but because of his reaction to spinal
manipulation, we will treat it as an "injury".
We will try confinement, hydrocortisone, physical and hydrotherapy (thanks
to the many who recommended this) and, yup, we have to stretch our ferret
for a week, then go back to the vet for a check up.
Bubba was so perky after the stretching for the x-rays.  Wish us luck that
we only need to look for a ferret chiroprator!
Some more good news is that Templeton ate SOLID food on his own yesterday
and today.  Yesterday was the first time since he came to live with us a
little over a week ago.  Yesterday he ate 1/2 cup dry Totally Ferret and
today he ate a whole 1/3 of a cup.  Looks like this little new adoptee is
going to make it too!  back to the vet when we fatten him up for additional
All in all, it was a good day....
[Posted in FML issue 2252]