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Thu, 19 Mar 1998 23:09:35 -0500
Derek & Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (17 lines)
Snickers, my oldest MF girl (3 years) is just not right.  She feels to have
lost mass in her barrel and shoulders, but still has a belly.  She seems to
be clumsier than usual and does a little hop skip with her back right leg
every once in a while.  She seems to be off balance a little and not too
interested in war dancing - just sniffing the floor and laying down for a
second.  She seems perky, but just not her normal self.
I am wondering about a hairball blockage as she is always grooming Bandit,
her cage mate.  I can't feel anything in her gut, but I imagine I wouldn't
be able to.  I think I am going to give her some whipping cream to help
"blow it out" of her.  i figure it can't hurt her.
Any other sugestions?  Could it be anything else?  I am calling my vet first
thing, but any help I can get would be great!  Please e-mail me direct so I
can get your advise - thanks
[Posted in FML issue 2252]